Acid Reflux - How to Heal Acid Reflux


Listen to your Body when it Whispers – so you won’t have to Hear it when it Screams.”


---Anthony William - receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday. Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth - this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable and true.

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"Listen to your body when it whispers – so you won’t have to hear it when it screams."  

Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other.  When aligned healing becomes easy. 

Acid Reflux – How to Heal Acid Reflux –

It used to be only the medical industry that had their thumbs on the scales of medical studies influencing results to come out in their best interest. Now it is found in the alternative health industry as money is quickly shifting to this area.

So the TRUTH is very, very difficult to find. So now Naturopaths may even be misdirected by the information they are receiving.

What is Acid Reflux?
What is Heartburn?
You can get gas pains in your neck and shoulders – how is that possible? How can it be that high up in your neck? How can this happen?

We will get to all these questions.

Gas Bubbles - You can get a gas bubble on the top of your colon on the left side around the spleen and it can cause pain all the way up to the top of your neck. The phrenic nerves are responsible for so many problems… sitting by chest and up the right chest – these nerves are very sensitive. So you can get left side or right side sharp pains going all the way up through the chest into the neck and shoulder.
Let’s fast forward 500 years – do you think we will know what happens to food when it enters the stomach? NO – they still will not know. The enzyme factor is theoretical – yes they do play a factor – but nobody knows what they do. The theory that they help to break down food and help with digestion is ONLY theory because we don’t know – there is no way to measure this. That said – enzymes do play a role – they do.

You know who knows what happens to food when it enters the stomach? GOD – this is truly God’s Secret and this IS the truth. We won’t know in 1,000 year or 1,500 years or 2,000 years – this is literally God’s secret. Just remember this because this is one secret that will never be discovered.

Ok – What is Acid Reflux? These so called gastric acids – are NOT gastric acids. So when you get those symptoms – it is NOT those glands in the stomach creating acid reflux. It is not hydrocloric acid – it may burn like hell, but it’s not the 7 blend hydrocloric acids. It does go up the esophagus and burns your throat, it even can go up to your mouth and you may even spit it out. It can rise and burn all night long… but it is NOT gastric acid. It is an acid though – it is produced bacteria in the liver and it is a poison. There are non-bacterial related reflux and this is caused by something wrong in the gut like a kink or a hiatal hernia so that has to be said – because this can be a non-bacterial cause. If there is no kink or hernia somewhere then it IS a toxic acid caused by the bacteria in your LIVER.

What kind of Bacteria can cause Acid Reflux? H. Pylori bacteria can be a factor – and it is very difficult to detect with tests. Streptococcus is the PRIMARY bug that causes this. Another bacteria involved is E.coli. You can have a combination of Streptococcus, E. Coli and H. Pylori in your stomach.

Bacteria will produce an acid and doctors believe it is actually stomach acid. So the acid is Bacterial Acid.

Heartburn – a lot of times this is a gas bubble – it is gastritis. Now if it is high and you can feel it boiling – that is heartburn – the bacterial acid is bubbling up.

It is not gland produced hydrocloric acid in the stomach.

Do you know what happens when you get Bad Acid – bacterial produced acid? It means you have NO Hydrocloric Acid left or very little. If you did have enough hydrocloric acid it would be destroying the bacteria in the first place so you wouldn’t have acid reflux. This is what is going on here.
It is Bacterial Produced Reflux – that is what heartburn or acid reflux should be called.

It is NOT because you have too much hydrocloric acid like the medical field believes. You have too LITTLE hydrocloric acid.

So here is a question – Are prescription anti-acids or proton pump inhibitors helping?

NO, NO and NO. NO - they are making the problem so much worse. Do NOT take them period. They are the absolute worse drugs in history. They will not allow you to absorb nutrients and they will make you gain weight even if you are a light eater.

Why? Because the food doesn’t get digested and it just sits in the liver and in the small intestine and large intestine rotting.

Ok – back to the bacteria that is causing the Bad Acid. Should I take antibiotics? No, this will just escalate the problem – make it much worse. There are certain things you need antibiotics for – but for H. Pylori? No.

So we have this bad acid that is what the medical profession calls Acid Reflux – so what do we have to do?

We have to build that hydrocloric acid back up. It is not accomplished by taking any pills like hcl pills.

The first thing we have to do is change something in our diets because something is feeding that bacteria. We have to begin eliminating the bad foods that feed those bad bugs. It could be wheat gluten, could be corn, could be milk, cheese, or eggs (3 really bad ones). Eggs feed both bacteria and viruses like no other food we eat. Do not eat eggs. Even if you have fresh organic delicious eggs – they are HORRIBLE for you. They still will feed a bacteria.

Why are eggs no longer good for us? Our medical science and research field has used eggs in their research feeding their bacteria and viruses eggs for over 100 years now. So when they were playing around with bugs and pathogens they used eggs as the food source for them. YES, Both virus and bacteria eat. Many scientists say that viruses don’t eat. Ok, how do they get their energy? Yes – they eat and they love eggs. Just one egg will feed them for 11 days before that egg is completely out of your system.

Another food that science and research used was corn. So corn is no longer good for either. They further ruined corn by making it all genetically modified now (GMO).

Dairy was also used to a lesser extent.

Bad Foods: So we have to begin by eliminating the bad foods. Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Corn, Gluten, Pork, and Soy.

The liver – we have to clean up the liver since the bacteria is coming from the liver.

A lot of people with heartburn or acid reflux may have Pre pre-diabetes or have pre-fatty liver disease coming on. So we have to focus on the liver. You can even have Pre-Pre-Pre-Diabetes – 3 pre’s. Read diabetic section to revisit this information. This is all caused by a beaten down liver.

When the liver gets beat up and sludgy – it produces less bile. Then what happens is that our stomach senses that it doesn’t have it’s helper anymore and the glands in the stomach have to produce more 7 blend hydrocloric acid. Then the stomach becomes exhausted and begins falling behind. Before you know it the 7 blend hydrocloric acid is weaker and can no longer keep up with digesting – breaking down foods – and no longer is strong enough to kill pathogens coming down or coming up from liver. So it all begins in the liver – then the domino effect occurs – less 7 blend hydrocloric acid and a weaker 7 blend hydrocloric acid – leads to bad bugs thriving in the stomach where they shouldn’t be – this leads to what medical profession calls acid reflux or heartburn – this can lead to severe digestion issues like constipation and all the labeled autoimmune diseases. *By the way – the body will never attack itself so just the word autoimmune is wrong.

So what caused the liver to breakdown anyway? Proteins and Fats. Too much of the wrong foods.

OK – so the stomach acids are weak – can this every be restored? Can it ever be fixed? YES!

STEPS to getting RID of Acid Reflux:

1. Eliminate the Bad foods: Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Corn, Gluten, Pork, and Soy.
2. Reduce Protein and Fat intake: if you have to eat meat – make it lean and only once a day – preferably at dinner time.
3. Eat Fruits and Vegetables.
4. Lemon Juice – try to add some fresh squeezed lemon to your water at least once a day if not more.
5. CELERY JUICE – this is by FAR the most important step. Drink 16 oz on an empty stomach first thing in the morning – every single day.

Doing those 5 things will help restore both liver function so the liver begins to produce more bile and will help restore the 7 blend hydrocloric acid. Thus – this will kill the pathogenic bugs that are producing bacterial bad acid causing your heartburn or acid reflux. This is how you really beat acid refulx and you do not need the drugs that medical doctors prescribe or any other the counter drugs. They will only worsen the problem and cause numerous others.

The 7 blend hydrocloric acid – medical research and science does not know about this as they have never attempted to separate the acid in research – that’s all that they need to do to figure this out – the technology to do this is possible. Anyway – it may just be 3 blends that make this good acid is weak and doing those steps above can help restore the good acid to an optimal blend.

How long will this take to get rid of my acid reflux? This can depend on how long you have had it. The longer you have had it the chances are there is more damage in your liver. So it will vary from person to person. It may take doing celery for up to one year – taking it every morning on an empty stomach and some will see unbelievable results just in a month. It varies from person to person on how severely damaged their liver is.

SIBO – many that have acid reflux also have SIBO or vice versa.

There is bacteria that sits in the Duodenum and it can move up or down. There is bacteria that sits in the pouch of the stomach – the pouch is like a well at the bottom of the stomach. There is spot by this well where bacterial just loves to grow. It is like a little patch in the bottom corner of the stomach well where bacteria can begin to proliferate. When the 7 blend hydrocloric acid becomes weak that little patch in the bottom of the stomach well is like a spawning ground for bad bacteria to proliferate. When it does Spawn – it created its own Acid. Not hydrocloric acid, but its own acid. It is a bad acid.

Bad Acid – actually imitates or mimics hydrocloric acid – it mimics it and that is what completely has fooled the medical profession. They never think to actually test this acid and do comparison tests. They just assume it is hydrocloric acid. You can also get the Streptococcus bacterial that causes SIBO come up to the Duodenum and into the Stomach and that produces an acid also.

Too much Animal Protein and Fat can wear down your liver because it forces it to produce a lot of bile to keep up with digestion. Even a skinless chicken breast is filled full of fat. Fat is so exhausting on the liver and with trying to heal any type of digestive issue including acid reflux – the liver needs to be producing bile and the stomach needs to be producing the healthy 7 blend hydrocloric acid. The main goal to healing digestive issue is just that – increase bile production and increase the 7 blend hydrocloric stomach acid production.

If you want acid reflux to go away – don’t eat fats and proteins. This will burn the liver out very quickly. Then the hydrocloric acid will get burned out.

Antibiotics – you do NOT want to take antibiotics to try to lower the bacterial load in the stomach.

3 Goals to Heal Acid Reflux:

1. Restore bile production and 7 blend hydrocloric acid.
2. Kill off the bad bugs – streptococcus, e.coli and h. pylori.
3. Strengthen the Liver.

Supplements and Antibacterial Herbs for Acid Reflux: these will help kill the bacteria.

1. *Golden Seal and Echinacea – it will help reduce bacteria - a must have for acid reflux
2. Elderberry Syrup – antibacterial and antiviral
3. *Catsclaw – a powerful, powerful – highly underrated herb. Someday medical research and science is going to discover that Cat's Claw has the power to replace antibiotics and no pathogen can become resistant to Cat's Claw. A must have for acid reflux. 
4. *Oregano Oil – another top tier herb oil - antibacterial and antiviral
5. Thyme Tea – very powerful one - antibacterial and antiviral
6. *Lemon Balm – another great one to kill bad bacteria and viruses
7. Peppermint Tea – it is an anti-bacterial herb that kills bacterial in the top of the stomach.
8. *Licorice Root – is like a miracle for acid reflux – plus it is antiviral – mix with some peppermint tea. *Remember: Licorice Root is like a MIRACLE when dealing with Acid Reflux. It should be the Go to herbal tincture.  A must have for acid reflux. 
9. Elderflower – a natural decongestant that helps to clear up mucus and congestion in lungs, but is also is a strong antibacterial and antiviral. Helps with all respiratory ailments as does Lobelia, Mullein and Lomatium. 

Foods the MUST be Eliminated to Heal Acid Reflux: These foods must be eliminated in order to heal acid reflux. It will be very difficult to do if they are not removed as they are the fuel – the food for pathogens – streptococcus, e. coli and h. pylori.

1. Eggs – the worst food on the planet. At one time they used to be good prior to feeding certain bacteria and viruses. Eggs are responsible for a lot of chronic illness today.
2. Milk(all dairy) – meaning butter, cream, yogurt, milk kefir and cheese. Just ALL Dairy. Yogurt has some good bacteria in it, but it is food for the bad which is no good – do not eat it. Bad bacteria absolutely loves to eat cheese – definitely remove this and remember this when you want to add cheese to your burger – you will be helping out the bad guys.
3. Gluten – bacteria and viruses love to feast on gluten – it used to be found in almost everything but health conscious people are quickly changing demand – so now there are plenty of gluten free options.
4. Grains – including CORN -
5. Pork
5. Soy –
6. MSG –
7. Corn –

Foods that help for Acid Reflux:

1. Celery Juice – mineral salts can get the 7 blend stomach acid up.
2. Aloe Vera – the gel inside is great for you. It kills both bacteria and viruses. It can prevent the flu. Acid Reflux can drop substantially by eating aloe gel.
3. Tomatoes – has it’s own vitamin c that can save someones immune system. Very good.
4. Salads – great – put some cucumbers and tomatoes on them.
5. Spinach –
6. Sprouts –
7. Onions – kills bacteria
8. Garlic – great bacterial killer
9. Fresh Sage –
10. Fresh Thyme –
11. Oregano –
12. Rosemary –


FRUIT – it is a bacterial killer and it wants to rush through and kill everything that shouldn’t be there and help everything that could be there. Fruit contains antioxidants that heal the body. Fruit is the most amazing antibacterial and liver healing food available to us.

Dietary Changes to help stop Acid Reflux:

1. Lower the fat in the diet – people think that eating chicken breasts are lean and good – the chicken is loaded with fat inside the breast – it is the calorie – fat is the calorie. You BURN the liver - you KILL the liver with FATS and high PROTEINS. cut down on animal meats to a max of once per day – preferably at dinner. Fats make the liver work so hard and the liver gets exhausted which is what is the Root Cause to this problem in the first place. Once bile is restored – the 7 blend hydrocloric acid will start to restore – when that is restored that will help kill off the bad bugs in the tummy.
2. Eliminate the bad foods – eggs, milk, cheese, gluten, corn, soy and pork
3. Add a few supplements: Catsclaw, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, Golden Seal – 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for 3 months.
4. Eat vegetables – potatoes, sweet potatoes and winter squash – most squash familiy is good.
5. Fruit – remember that fruit will kill the bad in the body and nourish everything that is good!!!
6. CELERY – the number one healing treatment for ALL illness is celery. 16 oz every morning upon waking – take on Empty stomach and do not add anything to it. The cluster mineral salts will kill the bad bugs and nourish the liver. This is the one you MUST do.

END of Acid Reflux.

***This is all such a small portion of what Anthony William covers in his books and just is a brief summary. It may look like quite a bit, but it is nothing to what is covered. For more incredible - truthful information please check out Anthoy's books - they truly are Medical Scripture!

Anthony has written six books now with the newest one coming out in May of 2020:

2. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing

3. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Liver Rescue

4. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods

5. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Celery Juice

6. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal

Below are the absolute BEST books you will find regarding Health. If you or a loved one has been suffering from a chronic illness and has went from doctor to doctor with no help - these are the answers to your prayers - you are FINALLY in the right place at the right time. Forget about ALL the other books on your shelf - these are the ONLY ones you will ever need.  They are medical and health scripture. They will provide YOU with the ability to get your life back!  Finally some true answers.

Secretes Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal -- when Anthony's waiting list to see him was over 1 MILLION - Spirit informed him that he wouldn't ever be capable of helping them all on an individual level so Spirit instructed Anthony to write everything down so the masses could have access. Anthony had previously worked 7 days a week for years straight helping people at all hours of the day. This is the book that started it all. Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos, Candida, Migraines, Adrenal Fatigue, Shingles, Autism and ADHD - much more -- the cause of ALL of these and how to treat them. Just an incredible book that Spirit has conveyed through Anthony. A must read for EVERYONE!!!

   Thyroid Healing -- so many people today have some type of thyroid condition. If you suffer from Insomnia, Hashimoto's, Graves Disease, have thyroid nodules or have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism you have to have this information as our medical system has FAILED us on all thyroid conditions. You will find out exactly what causes all thyroid conditions and how to heal them - yes it is possible to heal them and not just treat the symptoms. Incredible information and it is true - all the misinformation around web forums and Facebook forums is a disservice - this is the real truth.

   Life Changing Foods -- just as the title says - foods that literally will change your life. It is nice to finally know what is REALLY good for us as over the years we hear or read one thing and then that is contradicted and so on. NOW you will KNOW for sure what foods you should be eating.

   Liver Rescue -- This is an incredible book. The information in this book is a Gold Mine - the answers to how psoriasis develops and how to treat it -- exactly what causes acne, gout, bloating, gallstones, adrenal fatigue, fatty liver and how to treat each one. Spirit informs Anthony all the mechanisms and processes the liver does. All illness begins in the liver. If you or a loved one have Diabetes, SIBO or an Autoimmune disorder / disease this is a MUST - it explains how the medical industry is so WRONG about Autoimmune. Just a great book.

   Celery Juice – isn't a vegetable but is the MOST powerful, most medicinal, most healing Herb on Earth. Anthony William started the celery juice fad and it is one that will never go away - because it is works. If you have suffered from ANY intestinal or GI issues this is an absolute must.

   ***NEW***  Anthony's Brand New book Cleanse to Heal is coming out in May 2020 and is going to be power packed with information just about every illness and how to treat. Anthony said he really questioned Spirit of Compassion for this information. Over 600 pages. ONLY $20 - incredible deal and if you have read any of his other books you know what you get!

What are the details covered in Anthony William's new book coming in May, 2020 Cleanse to Heal?

  • ALL the supplements and the DOSES you need for healing and dealing with all kinds of illnesses listed below along with the TRUE causes to ALL of these symptoms and conditions – over 200 of them.

  • ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SIBO, Gastroparesis, Digestive Problems, Nail Fungus, Hot Flashes, Temperature Fluctuations, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Bloating, Depression, Anxiety, Eczema, Psoriasis, PCOS, join pains, Headaches and Migraines, Endometriosis, Neurological symptoms, Hot Flashes, Chills, Body Sweats, High Blood Pressure, Herpes Simplex, Gall Stones, Glaucoma, Fatty Liver, Edema, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Cracked Skin, Dry Eye Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 1.5, Diabetes 2, Corneal Disease, Constant Hunger, Constipation, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye, – just all of the illnesses that medical science cannot help with – which are actually most of them. Anthony will show protocols and the right kind of supplements you need to heal these ailments above (and more), and the doses you need to be taking.

HOME-- *ALL Links to all categories covered by Anthony William.
Supplements- for each illness.


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      This information needs to be KNOWN.


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Disclaimer: The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

*Affiliate Disclosure: Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.


LINKS to All Subjects Covered:

Epstein-Barr Virus Revealedthe cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more.
Supplements section- supplements for every illness covered - from Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Lyme to Crohn's, IBS, Colitis to Autism, Alzheimer's, Brain Fog to Anxiety, Depression, Headaches and much more.



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