MTHFR Gene Mutation

Listen to your Body when it Whispers – so you won’t have to Hear it when it Screams.”


---Anthony William - receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday. Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth - this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable and true.

How to Heal Autism /  Characteristics of Epstein-Barr Virus  /  Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed -cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more. / The Shingles Virus Revealed  /  Shingles Virus FACTS  /  VIRUS - EBV - Shingles - CMV - HSV-1 - HHV-6  / Crohn's - Colitis and IBS  / The Protein Misconception - is Protein that Important to you? / The Keys to Live Longer / Unknown Facts you will NEVER find in ANY health, medical or nutrition book. / Anthony Interviewed by Suzanah Scully - Secrets about Chronic Illness. / Protection from the Corona Virus, Flu Virus and other Viruses /Unknown FACTS you will NOT find in ANY medical, health or nutrition book - Part 1 / Unknown Facts - Part 2 / Supplements – section /Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie /Pathogen fighting Herbs and Supplements / 3 Supplements we ALL are Deficient in / Why am I Hungry ALL of the time / Healing your Neurological System / The Truth about Fruit / Celery Juice / Anthony William – Medical Medium Books / Children’s Health / What NOT to eat – the BAD Foods / Why EGGS are BAD / How to Heal Endometriosis / What the Medical Industry doesn’t know / What causes Psoriasis and Eczema – and how do I heal it? / Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus / What is the Cause of Alzheimer's Disease? /  Supplements for Endometriosis  /  UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 3   /  11 Must Have Antiviral and-or Antibacterial Herbs for your Medicine Cabinet  /  Why does Benzodiazepine and Opiate Withdrawal cause Blurry Vision?  /  What EXACTLY is a Herxheimer reaction and who is at risk?  /  How much bacteria is actually in our Gut?  /  What causes Inflammation in the Gut?  / 4 Things to Heal the Gut  /  Interesting Facts - Part 1  /  Weight Gain and Diabetes  /   Short Facts - The Holy 4 Food Groups  /  UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 4  /  Short Facts - Part 2  /  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - short facts -1  /  Interview - Anthony William Interviewed by Lewis Howes on 2-27-2020  /  UNKOWN FACTS -Part 5  /  Foundational Supplements  /  Ingredients and Fillers to AVOID in Supplements  /  Supplements for Hepatitis  / Supplements for Diabetes and Blood Sugar Imbalance - Type 1, 1.5 and 2  /  Supplements for Brain Fog  /  Supplements for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and increasing Energy  /  Supplements for IBS  /  Supplements for ACNE  /  Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue /  Supplements for Bloating  /  Supplements for Autoimmune Disease  /  Supplements for Constipation  /  Supplements for Dark Circle under the Eyes  / Supplements - About Supplements  /  TOP 50 Supplements  /  12 Life Saving Angels  /  CANCER:  What causes cancer and how viruses convert normal cells into cancer cells  /  ORAL Health Essentials  /  Herbs - Healing Power of Herbs and Spices  /  Foods that feed Pathogens such as Viruses and Bacteria  /  4 Stages of Epstein-Barr Virus  /  Rooting Process of a Virus  /  SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder  /  Healing Broth Recipe  /  HEART Health - true cause of high blood pressure, cholesterol, palpitations strokes and more  /  What is the true cause of High Cholesterol?  /  Healing Allergies - Food Allergies - Hay Fever and more  /  Inflammation -- Only two things cause inflammation.  /   Restless Leg Syndrome  /   Understanding Gut Health: IBS - Colitis - Candida - SIBO - Constipation - Leaky Gut - Gastritis -  /   MTHFR GENE - the Truth about MTHFR  /

"Listen to your body when it whispers – so you won’t have to hear it when it screams."  

Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other.  When aligned healing becomes easy. 

MTHFR Gene Mutation – section.

The TRUTH about MTHFR Gene Mutation and Nothing but the Truth.

MTHFR – Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene.

First of all – Genes do NOT prevent someone from healing.

MTHFR Gene mutation is taking the world by storm recently.

What is the MTHFR gene mutation?
  • It is the inability to convert Folate or Folic Acid into usable forms so the body can accept and use it. This part alone does have some merit to it. The MTHR gene produces an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate.

This is about ALL science really knows – that is the truth anyway.

Medical science is incredible for heart transplants, removing aneurysms from the brain, removing gallbladders or when you break your arm but when it comes to understanding mystery chronic illnesses like celiac, Hashimoto’s, colitis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and the list goes on and on – they have NO clue about the truth causes of these.

They are good at creating labels for symptoms – making labels does nothing for the people suffering from chronic illness. Science doesn’t have the answer to why mothers cannot get out of bed to take care of their children or why college students are dropping out because they have brain fog and fatigue.

We walk into the doctors office and are told that we have Hashimoto’s or Crohn’s or rheumatoid arthritis which all fit in the category of autoimmune disorders which means the body is attacking itself. So in other words they are saying your body is faulty – lets see what chemicals we can find to help you cope with your faulty body.

There is another blame game being played out there and it is a really bad one. It is the gene blame game. It is insulting and it is demeaning – they are saying “you have something wrong with you – it is your genes – they are bad.”

Medical science is totally wrong about this. It doesn’t have the answers. Today – 90% of Chronic Illness is Mysterious – it is a mystery to science to this day.

If you get sucked into this gene mutation thing going around you are going to get in big trouble because you are going to lose.

This MTHFR trend is catching on like lightening and to go against it takes some guts.

Science is saying that our genes become mutated and they cannot produce enzymes that are needed. These enzymes are needed to help produce glutathione, folate and to help folic acid be assimilated into the body. It involves chemical compounds as well.

We are told we have a gene mutation – and whatever variety of gene mutation – there are now different MTHFR mutations now – science is going down another dead end road – the path is NOT a good path. It is NOT going to lead to anything good.

There are some great good meaning people – scientists and doctors out there – but the bottom line is – they have NO clue what they are really doing at all.

It is EASY for a doctor to be led down this gene mutation road because it makes so much sense, so they believe this is what must be causing all these mysterious illnesses that we never could figure out.

Genes are a tricky blame game because when you have a child – you look at the hereditary genes and you begin to believe they are playing the role of health. You have similarities to your mother, grandmother, grandfather and so on – so this theory of gene mutations – sounds so believable of why it is making people ill. It is like – case closed – problem solved. Your mother or grandfather may look the same as you or even feels the same as you. So this is by far one of the most evil misconceptions there is out there right now. It is easy to fall into this pit. This pit will mean that all generations to come will believe that there genes they inherited from mommy and daddy will control their health.

Right now science is ALL in on this. There are Billions of Dollars being funded for gene research. People are sick now – but they are going to be sicker in the future for doing this. So this is by FAR one of the worst roads that medical science has ever taken – and they have taken some bad paths.

Yes – genes are involved with our body in so many different ways – but here is the point:
  • Your genes can NOT become truly mutated. If you have been diagnosed with a gene mutation – like MTHFR gene mutation – it is technically NOT a real gene mutation – the gene is contaminated with toxins and not functioning appropriately – it is not technically mutated.

So if you get diagnosed with a MTHFR gene mutation – you DON’T have a gene that is mutated. In fact – when it comes down to MTHFR gene mutation – it is not even the gene that is problematic! There is something else triggering off the faulty MTHFR gene mutation TESTS.

The MTHFR gene tests are NOT accurate. They are inaccurate folks. That said – it doesn’t mean they don’t have worth to them because they can have some worth.

If you do have a positive test – that says you have the MTHFR gene mutation – there is something else going on.

The real problem is methylation – it is the inability to methylate.
  • Methylation is all about conversion inside the body. It is ALL about breaking down chemicals into smaller chemicals.
  • Then it is about breaking down those smaller chemicals in to even smaller chemicals.
  • Then it is about breaking down those “even smaller chemicals” into “even smaller chemicals then those into even smaller chemicals and so on” – you get the just of it - I hope.
  • The methylation process goes on and on and on. It doesn’t even stop there. The mystery of what our body does and how many chemicals it has is unbelievable.
  • Science just doesn’t know about this – they think that it involves an enzyme that breaks down folate – and then what? They just don’t know.
  • So what is really happening is that we have chemical breakdowns in the body.
  • Science is so far away from understanding this that it would literally take a thousand years (Spirit said this to Anthony Williams). So science is in the stone ages.

Medical science and research only believes that the liver is responsible for about 400 to 500 chemical processes.

  • The liver is responsible for over 2,000 chemical processes.
  • These chemical processes play into Methylation – which is still in its baby stages of understanding.
  • The problem is that it sends you down the road to believe that your gene is mutated – not only a problem for you but a problem for everyone because science is all in on this theory and the money is beginning to pour in for gene research.
  • The real – true issue with your health – remains invisible and untreated.

What triggers off the MTHFR test to begin with?
  • Inflammation trigger it off just as the false positives for Lyme. The MTHFR test is just as good as an ANA test for lupus (Anti Nuclear Antibody Test). It is not better period. It is just as good as a CRP test ( c reactive protein test).
  • The MTHFR test is just another test that says you have some inflammation throughout your entire body.

So what does this mean? Where does it lead to?
  • It means there will be misdiagnoses and it means that chronic illness will remain a mystery and still be untreated and mistreated.
  • These inflammation tests are worthless. The ANA test for lupus – doesn’t tell you that you have lupus – it just says your body is inflamed. It just depends on whether you go to a doctor who diagnoses Lupus or a doctor who diagnoses Lyme. If you go to both – you will be diagnosed with both lupus and Lyme.

What good is the MTHFR test then?

  • The MTHFR gene mutation test should just be a tool to show you that YES there is something going on with you that deals with inflammation.
  • It should NOT be defining your genes by saying they are mutated because that is not true.
  • People need to KNOW this – it is NOT possible to have a gene mutation.
  • It is a marker telling you that something else is going on. This is the part that is okay about the test – because it is a basic inflammatory test – just like many of the other ones that get a tag or get a label.
  • So it can be an important test if you know that it doesn’t actually test for gene mutations but for inflammation throughout the body which means there is something going on that needs to be addressed – so in that way it is a worthwhile test.
  • In reality thought the test needs to have its name changed and have nothing to do with gene mutations.

So if you go to the doctor and your not feeling well and the doctor decides to give you this MTHFR test and it comes back positive. You need to realize right away - that there is something else going on and it has nothing to do with a gene mutation.

So – What does a Positive MTHFR test mean?

  • It ALWAYS means there is a problem with the LIVER and the second part is the Intestinal Tract. The liver is where the trouble is though.

So – What triggers off a positive MTHFR test then?

  • It is a byproduct coming from the liver floating in the bloodstream wreaking havoc causing homocysteine levels to either rise, fall or become useless.
  • These byproducts are toxins that are floating in the bloodstream from the liver and the byproduct contents are from viruses, heavy metals or both.
  • In most cases it is both heavy metals and viruses in the liver which causes a lot of byproduct and this byproduct becomes sludgy – stagnating the liver and the liver becomes overburden with this sludge and it dishes it out to the bloodstream.
  • It also is other junk that the liver stores – but it is all this garbage that slows the liver down and it loses ability to function and to efficiently CLEAN your blood.

So – what does it mean when the MTHFR gene test comes up positive?

  • It means you have DIRTY blood.
  • It does not mean you have a faulty gene mutation.
  • The dirty blood is preventing folate or folic acid from methylating and become usable to the body.
  • The actual Methylation issue is TRUE about this test.
  • The problems with medical science and research is that they think it is the mutated gene causing this – it is NOT.
  • If it was the gene causing this trouble – you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it at all. You can’t fix genes. BUT – if you fix the methylation problem the test will not come back positive anymore.
  • Hmmm – so what’s that tell you? It is not the gene. When you fix a methylation issue – the liver is getting better, the blood is getting cleaner and the MTHFR test will come back negative – showing no inflammation.
  • Hmmm – yeah – so just two weeks ago I had some bad gene mutations and now two weeks later I don’t – what? Yes, once again – it never was a gene issue at all.

What helps with Methylation?
  • The Adenosylcobalamin in vitamin B-12. It HAS to be this kind – the adenosylcobalamin.
  • You also have to clean the liver, clean the blood and you do this by lowering viral loads and removing toxic heavy metals.

Doctors are baffled because some people get healed and the test comes back negative… they don’t know how this is possible to fix genes. Maybe the blood was switched either here or at the lab – this just can’t be.

It wasn’t the genes that needed fixed in the first place – it was the liver.
  • So – science and research are going down the wrong path here and they need to do a quick u-turn. It is possible – once you fix the real issue the inflammation goes away and it won’t trigger off the gene mutation test.

Fix the liver and you fix the inflammation.
  • Remove the viruses, toxins and heavy metals and the blood will get clean – inflammation will disappear and your once positive MTHFR test will come back negative.

  • Gene mutation test – MTHFR is just an inflammation test with a fancy name blaming your genes.
  • A doctor might say “that’s not true – it’s a real gene we’re looking at.” Yes, you are looking at a gene but the test is still wrong. You can take any test and you can name it anything you want – but they are all inflammatory tests.
  • This test is just a new version of showing inflammation in the body – they created the test and don’t even know what it really indicates. Yes, it deals with homocysteine and methylation but it measures inflammation.
  • The same with the Lyme Disease test – a lot times the test results come back as “Borderline” - well, you either have it or you don’t have it – what’s the deal – it is supposed to be testing for specific bacteria – but in reality it tests for inflammation. Real Lyme is viral anyway – not bacterial *see Lyme Disease section.

Science is flawed big time here and some labs are raking in the money for tests that only display inflammatory markers.

Most mystery illnesses that have any type of inflammation are VIRAL and ALL illnesses that have neurological symptoms are VIRAL.

Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lupus, Lyme, and the list goes on and on – are viral. These viruses sit in the liver and they CLOG it up. So everyone with these illnesses just listed will have a positive MTHFR gene test.

They all deal with viruses in the liver dirtying up the blood. So if one were to take the MTHFR gene mutation test and they had one of these illnesses – like lupus – they would be misdiagnosed as having a gene mutation issue.

Do you see why medical science has this wrong and if they keep going it could really mess things up even worse than they already are?

The methylation and homocysteine issues are because the liver gets full of garbage – from viral bodies, viral shells, viral casings – that look like spirochetes, viral wastes, viral neurotoxins, viral dermatoxins and all of these get thrown in the blood and dirty it up and it triggers off the MTHFR gene mutation test.
So how would a positive test help you heal from all the above illnesses like Hashimoto’s, fibromyalgia, lupus, eczema, psoriasis, chronic fatigue, colitis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc? It won’t – but every single one of these mentioned will trigger a positive MTHFR gene mutation test.

If you receive a positive result on the MTHFR gene mutation test – this does effect you. Once you start thinking that your genes suck or they have gone bad – just those negative thoughts WILL weaken your immune system.

So know that you don’t have a gene mutation and what you have is a methylation problem. You are not breaking down and converting chemicals correctly in the body. You are not breaking down phytochemicals that come from food and come from the sun.

Elevated Biotics

  • There is a little spot right before the colon called the ileoceacal – it is the ileum – a little spot right after your small intestinal tract and before the colon – this spot (the ileum) has Elevated Biotics – very good probiotics – that you can get from fresh apples on a tree or other fresh fruits and plants like sprouts.
  • These elevated biotics – are microorganisms that helps you methylate.
  • They produce B-12. When you pick a piece of FRESH Kale out of the garden and you eat it right away – you get these special Elevated Biotics.
  • These elevated biotics get to the ileum and this the special place in your body where the magic occurs – the production of vitamin b-12 that we need for methylation.

What to do about a positive MTHFR test?
  • So now you know you are not methylating – you also know it is not a gene mutation. You are not methylating because of the viruses in your liver and the byproducts of these viruses are poisoning your blood.
  • You need to go Antiviral right away.
  • People who have problems methylating have problems detoxing.
  • The reason your body is not detoxing because of this viral issue that is constantly creating toxins that is weakening the liver so conversions of nutrients don’t happen correctly.
  • The liver is not able to perform these chemical processes that help produce certain amino acids, breakdown amino acids and breakdown all kinds of chemicals into smaller ones – all this is done by the liver and you can’t detox because of the constant production of toxins by the viruses.
  • The viruses eat the heavy metals and produce very potent toxins – including neurotoxins and dermotoxins.

Examples of illnesses of the liver:
  • Chronic Fatigue – Epstein-Barr in the liver.
  • Hashimoto’s – another strain of Epstein-Barr in the liver.
  • In both cases the MTHFR gene mutation test would be positive – which would be inaccurate – accurate in that yes, there is a methylation problem occurring.
  • The ability to combine folate and folic acid to breakdown chemicals that are usable is diminishing. This part is correct.

Conversion of Homocysteine to Methionine
  • The conversion of homocysteine to methionine is interfered with when you cannot methylate.
  • The homocysteine levels rise because the conversion is not there.
  • This is all because of viruses in the liver and is clogging it up and dirtying the blood – the blood becomes toxic.
  • It usually is a combination of viruses and heavy metals like mercury, copper and aluminum.

How do we get better – How do we heal?
  • We go Antiviral.

Supplements for MTHFR Gene Mutation positive test:

  • Zinc Liquid Zinc Sulfate or Zinc Picolinate. The zinc reserves have to come up. Responsible for all of the over 2,000 chemical functions of the liver, including the creation of your liver in the womb and the development of your liver as you grew and reached adulthood. The liver stores an abundance of zinc because it knows people are zinc-deficient, in part due to the lack of it in the food we eat. Without zinc, your liver can’t perform its functions that protect your whole body, so despite its zinc storage, your liver always needs more, because the zinc output needed to respond to the mental and physical demands upon us is high. The onslaught of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in particular drains our zinc reserves. One specific purpose of zinc reserves is to eliminate toxic forms of copper that are always high inside the liver and that can cause the organ harm. If someone is so zinc-deficient that even the liver’s zinc reserves have dropped to a dangerous level, that person can develop a host of viral-related autoimmune diseases and illnesses, which you can read about throughout the Medical Medium series. Zinc helps the liver’s immune system fend off every unfriendly microorganism that enters the liver. If zinc tastes too strong for you, feel free to minimize dosage to what’s comfortable, even if it’s just a few tiny drops.

  • Liquid Vitamin B-12 – (Adenosylcobalamin with Methylcobalamin – it has to be this kind and have the Adenosylcobalamin in it – has to have this. instrumental to all 2,000 plus of the liver’s chemical functions. Instrumental in processing and distributing other nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are stored in the liver. Helps livers cells communicate with each other. Protects all the nerves that run through the liver. Without B-12 the liver will become stagnant and weak. B-12 strengthens the entire liver in every way – and prevents cells and blood vessels from atrophying. One of medical sciences greatest discoveries was Vitamin B12. *Great one for the liver and another MUST HAVE!  The liquid B-12 Vimergy brand is best but a bit more expensive than the one above. 

  • Cat’s Claw – great one – the reason why is it kills off viruses and this alone if taken properly can really, really help with the methylation problems. Cat’s Claw destroys viruses and bacteria in the liver. Has anti-cancer compounds. Stimulates the immune system as it contains oxindole alkaloid compounds. Helps fight off viral and bacterial infections. Cat’s claw is great for the gut and especially colitis. Helps the liver restore and recoup strength.

  • Lemon Balmkills viruses, bacteria and other pathogens in the liver. Calms the nerves of the liver – decreases liver spasms – calms intestinal tract nerves – lowers toxic heat inside the liver. Supports the adrenals.

  • Nettle Leaf increases 7 blend hydrocloric acid in the stomach. Improves bile production inside the liver. Calms down the gallbladder. Inhibits gallstones. Supports bile pathways. Enhances ALL liver cell functions. Reduces toxic liver heat caused by toxins. Cleanses new, old and inherited toxins. Balances adrenals – keeping them from being overactive or underactive.

  • L-lysine – lowers viral loads responsible for methylation issues. Viruses HATE l-lysine as it is like a fire extinguisher to viruses. It prevents viruses from reproducing-- some viruses only live about six weeks – so in just six weeks it can cut viral load down. It acts as a smokescreen inside the liver to viruses and is like a powder that stops viral proliferation. Have to take much higher doses than recommended – 6,000 mg daily – 3,000 mg 2x daily. L-lysine also strengthens the liver’s immune system and acts as an aid for organs.

  • Monolaurin – kills viruses and bad bacteria and other pathogens – helps to cleanse.

  • Thyme Tea – a great antiviral tea and is a rich source of vitamins such as A, E, C, K, B-complex and Folate. Also rich in minerals manganese, calcium, iron, selenium and potassium. A great purifying and cleansing herb for the digestive tract and is loaded with bioflavonoids. Increases GABA in the brain.

  • Oregano Oil - capsules – also antiviral – and just as Thyme it is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Removes poisons from the body and detoxifies the lymphatic system. Works great with thyme as they both can Expel trapped GAS. Helps to balance metabolism and strengthen organs.

  • Olive Leaf antiviral and antibacterial – purges liver of free floating toxins (not the ones deeply rooted). Contains phytochemicals that provide nutrients that can enhance the liver’s chemical functions.

  • Methylfolate – the MOST critical part of methylation right here but it won’t work without the B-12 that has Adenosylcobalamin in it. This is how you methylate with a BAD liver. You won’t find this information anywhere and this is very, very important to know.

  • Vitamin CEither Ester-C with Bioflavonoids or Liposomal Vitamin C – from Lipo Naturals. Vitamin C helps get the poisons out of the blood so they get removed – also helps to neutralize toxins – you need a LOT of it – 6,000 to 12,000 mg per day.

  • Eyebrighthelps to uproot viruses and bacteria in the liver – makes their home very uncomfortable to live in. Contains chemical compounds from it’s flowers and leaves that improves bile production. Helps to strengthen the liver’s white blood cells by arming them with a phytochemical compound that flushes out the pathogens so they can be destroyed by the immune system. Eyebright makes it difficult for new viruses to make a home in the liver and makes it unlivable for the ones that are already there.

  • Red Clover – really cleans out the blood well and helps to reverse inflammation that is triggering off that MTHFR test. Red Clover cleans toxic filled blood before it enters the liver – this improving filtering by the liver. Contains phytochemicals that bind to hundreds of different toxins and driving them out of the body through kidneys and intestinal tract. This all allows the liver to cleanse on a higher level of functioning as it is not burdened by too much toxic blood. Feeds the liver as red clover has a high mineral content. Helps rid old red blood cells from liver and helps to make new stronger cells. *Great for both blood and liver.

FOODS to Eliminate for a positive MTHFR Gene Mutation test:

  • Eliminate: Eggs, Cheese, Dairy, Gluten, Milk, Wheats

  • Lower Fats – if you eat meat – lower animal protein intake – it is your liver creating the MTHFR gene mutation – fat is horrible for a sick liver that is toxic, stagnant and not producing efficient bile – more fat will not allow the liver to rejuvenate – the liver is the organ that cannot methylate the folate, folic acid and amino acid conversion processes. You have to lower fats as much as you can. You can substitute avocado for some of the fat.

  • Lower Fats – makes liver produce less bile which helps it rejuvenate fast.

FOODS to eat for a positive MTHFR Gene Mutation test:

  • Wild Blueberries – they really cleanse the liver
  • Celery Juice – cleanses the liver
  • Lemon Water – 16 oz twice a day
  • Sweet Potatoes – helps cleanse the liver – there is NO fat in a sweet potato.
  • Winter Squash – helps heal the liver.
  • Fruit –
  • Smoothies –
  • Salads –
  • Oranges – in the moring
  • Spinach – for lunch
  • Apples – for snacks

Conclusion: When your liver is cleanses you are home free with your methylation issue. A big part is viruses and heavy metals in the liver that create toxins which clog the liver and dirty the blood. This makes the liver stagnant – it needs as must rest as possible – so help it out by lowering fats and feeding it the foods it loves.

Since MTHFR Gene is a methylation problem due to a stagnant liver – see the Top 50 Supplements for the Liver – section.

In May of 2020 Anthony has a new book coming out called "Cleanse to Heal" - To heal the MTHFR Gene Mutation you have to cleanse the liver and this book is over 600 pages and packed with information. Every single line will be educational and it is something that you will not find anywhere else - it is not repeated information that you can find in other books or in publications - this is the true words coming directly from the Spirit of Compassion that Anthony William writes down.  You can order the book now.  "Cleanse to Heal"  - May 2020.

END of MTHFR Gene Mutation – section.

***This is all such a small portion of what Anthony William covers in his books and just is a brief summary. It may look like quite a bit, but it is nothing to what is covered. For more incredible - truthful information please check out Anthoy's books - they truly are Medical Scripture!

Anthony has written six books now with the newest one coming out in May of 2020:

2. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing

3. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Liver Rescue

4. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods

5. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Celery Juice

6. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal

Below are the absolute BEST books you will find regarding Health. If you or a loved one has been suffering from a chronic illness and has went from doctor to doctor with no help - these are the answers to your prayers - you are FINALLY in the right place at the right time. Forget about ALL the other books on your shelf - these are the ONLY ones you will ever need.  They are medical and health scripture. They will provide YOU with the ability to get your life back!  Finally some true answers.

Secretes Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal -- when Anthony's waiting list to see him was over 1 MILLION - Spirit informed him that he wouldn't ever be capable of helping them all on an individual level so Spirit instructed Anthony to write everything down so the masses could have access. Anthony had previously worked 7 days a week for years straight helping people at all hours of the day. This is the book that started it all. Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos, Candida, Migraines, Adrenal Fatigue, Shingles, Autism and ADHD - much more -- the cause of ALL of these and how to treat them. Just an incredible book that Spirit has conveyed through Anthony. A must read for EVERYONE!!!

   Thyroid Healing -- so many people today have some type of thyroid condition. If you suffer from Insomnia, Hashimoto's, Graves Disease, have thyroid nodules or have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism you have to have this information as our medical system has FAILED us on all thyroid conditions. You will find out exactly what causes all thyroid conditions and how to heal them - yes it is possible to heal them and not just treat the symptoms. Incredible information and it is true - all the misinformation around web forums and Facebook forums is a disservice - this is the real truth.

   Life Changing Foods -- just as the title says - foods that literally will change your life. It is nice to finally know what is REALLY good for us as over the years we hear or read one thing and then that is contradicted and so on. NOW you will KNOW for sure what foods you should be eating.

   Liver Rescue -- This is an incredible book. The information in this book is a Gold Mine - the answers to how psoriasis develops and how to treat it -- exactly what causes acne, gout, bloating, gallstones, adrenal fatigue, fatty liver and how to treat each one. Spirit informs Anthony all the mechanisms and processes the liver does. All illness begins in the liver. If you or a loved one have Diabetes, SIBO or an Autoimmune disorder / disease this is a MUST - it explains how the medical industry is so WRONG about Autoimmune. Just a great book.

   Celery Juice – isn't a vegetable but is the MOST powerful, most medicinal, most healing Herb on Earth. Anthony William started the celery juice fad and it is one that will never go away - because it is works. If you have suffered from ANY intestinal or GI issues this is an absolute must.

   ***NEW***  Anthony's Brand New book Cleanse to Heal is coming out in May 2020 and is going to be power packed with information just about every illness and how to treat. Anthony said he really questioned Spirit of Compassion for this information. Over 600 pages. ONLY $20 - incredible deal and if you have read any of his other books you know what you get!

What are the details covered in Anthony William's new book coming in May, 2020 Cleanse to Heal?

  • ALL the supplements and the DOSES you need for healing and dealing with all kinds of illnesses listed below along with the TRUE causes to ALL of these symptoms and conditions – over 200 of them.

  • ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SIBO, Gastroparesis, Digestive Problems, Nail Fungus, Hot Flashes, Temperature Fluctuations, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Bloating, Depression, Anxiety, Eczema, Psoriasis, PCOS, join pains, Headaches and Migraines, Endometriosis, Neurological symptoms, Hot Flashes, Chills, Body Sweats, High Blood Pressure, Herpes Simplex, Gall Stones, Glaucoma, Fatty Liver, Edema, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Cracked Skin, Dry Eye Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 1.5, Diabetes 2, Corneal Disease, Constant Hunger, Constipation, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye, – just all of the illnesses that medical science cannot help with – which are actually most of them. Anthony will show protocols and the right kind of supplements you need to heal these ailments above (and more), and the doses you need to be taking.

HOME-- *ALL Links to all categories covered by Anthony William.
Supplements- for each illness.


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      This information needs to be KNOWN.


*Affiliate Disclosure: Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.

Disclaimer: The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

*Affiliate Disclosure: Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.


LINKS to All Subjects Covered:

Epstein-Barr Virus Revealedthe cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more.
Supplements section- supplements for every illness covered - from Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Lyme to Crohn's, IBS, Colitis to Autism, Alzheimer's, Brain Fog to Anxiety, Depression, Headaches and much more.


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