Crohns - Colitis and IBS
---Anthony William - receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday. Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth - this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable and true.
How to Heal Autism / Characteristics of Epstein-Barr Virus / Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed -cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more. / The Shingles Virus Revealed / Shingles Virus FACTS / VIRUS - EBV - Shingles - CMV - HSV-1 - HHV-6 / Crohn's - Colitis and IBS / The Protein Misconception - is Protein that Important to you? / The Keys to Live Longer / Unknown Facts you will NEVER find in ANY health, medical or nutrition book. / Anthony Interviewed by Suzanah Scully - Secrets about Chronic Illness. / Protection from the Corona Virus, Flu Virus and other Viruses /Unknown FACTS you will NOT find in ANY medical, health or nutrition book - Part 1 / Unknown Facts - Part 2 / Supplements – section /Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie /Pathogen fighting Herbs and Supplements / 3 Supplements we ALL are Deficient in / Why am I Hungry ALL of the time / Healing your Neurological System / The Truth about Fruit / Celery Juice / Anthony William – Medical Medium Books / Children’s Health / What NOT to eat – the BAD Foods / Why EGGS are BAD / How to Heal Endometriosis / What the Medical Industry doesn’t know / What causes Psoriasis and Eczema – and how do I heal it? / Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus / What is the Cause of Alzheimer's Disease? / Supplements for Endometriosis / UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 3 / 11 Must Have Antiviral and-or Antibacterial Herbs for your Medicine Cabinet / Why does Benzodiazepine and Opiate Withdrawal cause Blurry Vision? / What EXACTLY is a Herxheimer reaction and who is at risk? / How much bacteria is actually in our Gut? / What causes Inflammation in the Gut? / 4 Things to Heal the Gut / Interesting Facts - Part 1 / Weight Gain and Diabetes / Short Facts - The Holy 4 Food Groups / UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 4 / Short Facts - Part 2 / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - short facts -1 / Interview - Anthony William Interviewed by Lewis Howes on 2-27-2020 / UNKOWN FACTS -Part 5 / Foundational Supplements / Ingredients and Fillers to AVOID in Supplements / Supplements for Hepatitis / Supplements for Diabetes and Blood Sugar Imbalance - Type 1, 1.5 and 2 / Supplements for Brain Fog / Supplements for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and increasing Energy / Supplements for IBS / Supplements for ACNE / Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue / Supplements for Bloating / Supplements for Autoimmune Disease / Supplements for Constipation / Supplements for Dark Circle under the Eyes / Supplements - About Supplements / TOP 50 Supplements / 12 Life Saving Angels / CANCER: What causes cancer and how viruses convert normal cells into cancer cells /
"Listen to your body when it whispers – so you won’t have to hear it when it screams."
Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other. When aligned healing becomes easy.
Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other. When aligned healing becomes easy.
Disease , Colitis and IBS – section.
does one come to get all the symptoms that come with Crohns Disease
and Colitis? It begins with High Fat Diets
– they are bad. They are LIVER Killers… Period! We start out in
life with high fat diets – with the Exception of Breast Milk.
– crohn’s and colitis begins in the liver as all chronic
illnesses do– we eat, Cheese, cheese, cheese cheese. - just lots of
cheese We eat all kinds of meats. We drink cows milk. Then we make
these trendy “Diets” with high protein and even some with high
fats. This is bad – it kills the liver. It beats it up.
happens when we just beat the hell out of the liver? It sets the
stage for SIBO, Colitis, Crohns, IBS and just ALL the intestinal
– what happens in a high fat diet? Even the plant based eaters are
getting too much fat from all the nuts they eat. Tons of oils and
avocados. The human breast milk is LOW Fat. Human Bile production
can only handle so much fat. Very important to know. Bile is
produced in the liver – thus eating high fats will just wear that
liver down. Ok – from early on in life – childhood – we will
get pathogens from everywhere we go – schools, vacations,
restaurants, just everywhere where there are people --- Where do
these pathogens go? In the Liver. They get LOCKED up – our immune
system and liver tries to contain them and lock them up in
confinement so they cannot destroy the body. Well, a lot of these
pathogens end up going to the gut – and we are on these high fat
diets and just literally burning out our liver. Bile production is
so low right now in the human race and in many cases the liver just
has given up and no longer is producing bile.
bile will allow disease to
proliferate in the gut. Without high amounts of bile – pathogens
will thrive and also fats will not be digested – so it is stuck in
the entire digestive tract to rot – to decay.
Bile Salts – they weaken – when the bile salt weakens – so does
the Stomach Acid – yes – this 7 blend Hydrocloric Acid depends on
bile salts to back it up. So our liver will try to overproduce bile
and it burns out. When it burns out – pathoges that enter the
mouth can thrive without high hydrocloric acid and bile. So
pathogens can get into the intestinal and proliferate. Hydrocloric
acid – our stomach acid is pathogen killing – when it is optimal
– pathogens will be destroyed and the same goes for Bile – when
it is optimal – it will kill pathogens. So we have this one –
two punch to knock out pathogens. When bile decreases so will our
stomach acid and pathogens can enter and just thrive. We have to
strengthen our stomach acids and bile salts – we have to restore
them to adequate levels so they do not allow new pathogens (bugs) to
enter and help kill the old ones that we have had since acid and bile
production slowed down or halted. Hydrocloric acid has a blend of 7
different acids and it is a complicated blend. When the blend is
optimal it will not allow pathogens to live.
it begins with a high fat diet from childhood – hot dogs, peanut
butter, hamburger, etc. The liver breaks down – bile production
goes down – hydrocloric 7 blend acid goes down – and pathogens
THRIVE, Proliferates and NESTS in the gut and it stays there. It
stays there for a Rainy Day. A day in which our immune system
weakens and then BAM – they come out of their dormant stage and can
really cause a shit storm when triggerd by low bile, low 7 blend
stomach acid and low immune system. That is when an illness can
become severe and chronic. It can take hold in the ENTIRE intestinal
tract and you get the Labels of Crohn’s Disease, Gastritis,
Diverticulitis or Colits.
can all begin by eating HIGH FATS.
is not good and it is very high fat and literally just clogs up the
liver as bile production lessens. Butter can weaken the liver enough
by itself to get Hepatitis C around age 60.
experts today think that foods or lectins or glutens is the cause of
inflammation. NO – they don’t cause it – they do FEED the
bacteria such as Streptococcus and you can get SIBO.
and Research doesn’t even know what SIBO is – they just label it
by the symptoms described by the patient...but they have no clue what
causes it and they especially have no clue on how to treat it.
– small intestinal bowel
overgrowth IS overgrowth of the Streptococcus Bacteria.
is what happens: The Streptococcus will begin feeding off of
everything. It will feed off of cheese, milk, eggs, and glutens.
EGGS are the absolute WORST food on the planet. They are a viruses
favorite food and bacterial such as Streptococcus love them also. If
you are dealing with any intestinal issue – Do NOT Eat EGGS! If
you are ill in any way do not eat eggs. They feed ALL the Pathogens
that NEST in the intestinal tract. Eggs feed the Shingles
Virus that Causes Colitis.
Celery Juice – kills SIBO
***Figs – Amazing for building immune system and they rid all that
SIBO – bad bacterial in the small intestine. Streptococcus,
Staphylococcus, and other microbes building up to just cause all
kinds of bloating and gas issues. *Figs – amazing for this.
– we have the bile production and reserves lowers in liver due to
high fat diets – our livers become weak, sluggish and do not kill
off the pathogens – Then the hydrocloric 7 blend stomach acid
weakens – it can’t kill off pathogens and then it gets so weak
that it cannot digest protein – this protein then Putrefies in the
intestines – and it gets in the Linings of the intestinal tract –
and we end up with putrid fats embedded into the intestines – all
due to the liver becoming sick by high fat – it produces LESS Bile
or even No Bile – which leads to Low Hydrocloric 7 Blend Acid –
which leads to Pathogens thriving from our mouths to our anus –
infiltrating the entire digestive tract. Then we become sicker than
shit – go from doctor to doctor – getting diagnoses after
diagnoses – prescribed drug after drug – getting sicker and
sicker. It all started because there was not enough Bile to
emulsify the fats before they entered the Duodenum.
The proteins didn’t get broken down because of the hydrocloric 7
blend acid weakening – when Undigested Proteins enter the Duodenum
it causes calamity – they will begin to harden and line the entire
digestive tract. This can happen at ALL ages and it can happen fast.
It will always hit everybody at the end.
bacteria and viruses will then NEST behind all these FATS in the
intestine. It has nothing to do with sugar – although table and
high fructose corn syrup are not good for you.
Sugar – that is glucose from fruits is really, really , really good
for you. Fruit sugar will NEVER Feed a virus or a bad bacteria in
your body. *Remember this – fruit sugar will never feed anything
bad in your body.
Foods to eat: All Fruits –
eat tons of fruit all the time – everyday – it will heal all
disease, Sweet Potatoes, Regular Potatoes, Winter Squash – all the
squashes are good, Lower the animal proteins to once a day so your
liver doesn’t get worn down – you have to keep the Bile Reserves
and production up.
– the putrid fats harden on the linings of the digestive tract –
and it stays there. This provides a home for everything bad to hide
and nest. It hides from our immune system – they know that there
days are numbered if they are not hiding. These fats that begin
lining the intestinal tract become waxy and they begin destroying the
lining of the entire digestive tract. Cakes, sugars, cookies,
processed foods, glutens, sodas and donuts are not good – but high
fats – they are horrible. Any diet that says you need all high
fats – they are wrong. It IS the putrid fats that line the
intestinal tract that keep the BAD bugs proliferating. This will
lead to all the intestinal diseases like Colitis, IBS, Crohn’s
Disease, Gastritis – just all the labeled diseases for intestinal
problems. So once again – fats will house viruses and bacteria –
the viruses and bacterial are always looking for a moment in time in
which the can proliferate – usually comes in a time of stress –
as stress can really weaken the immune system – then one can become
sick really quick.
bile production is weak – there are NO pathogen Killing
capabilities – the liver will get more and more weak – you 7
blend Hydrocloric Stomach Acid will get more weak – pathogens will
begin reproduce and thrive – which usually begins with Bloating,
Constipation, IBS, Crohns, Colitis – you name it – it can happen
early in life or later on in life – can hit at any age – and then
if you don’t change things – it will become more severe and
become a chronic disease.
– Colitis is Viral. The medical field has no clue about colitis –
they say it is an autoimmune disease in which the body is attacking
itself – not true – as we learned previously – there is no such
thing – the body will NEVER attack itself. Colitis just means
that the colon has a crisis. What really happens is that you have
the Shingles Virus embedded and nesting in the colon. There are over
31 varieties or subgroups of the Shingles Virus. Just in the past 30
years – 10 new varieties of the shingles virus has formed. It is
speeding up. OK – so the shingles virus nest in the colon and it
feeds off of high fats (yes, viruses feed and poop – med science
has no clue). So – the shingles virus hides in the Fat, lives in
the Fat and eats the fat. The shingles virus really, really loves
cheese. It loves it. In fact – cheese feeds almost all bad
pathogens. So when were eating cheese – all of that is being fed to
the shingels virus and then it goes to a certain stage. It will
begin releasing lots and lots of neuro-poisons or neurotoxins –
**these Neurotoxins will get trapped between the fat and the inner
lining of the colon itself. They start to agitate, inflame and just
burn the colon lining causing tremendous pain. Even when the putrid
fats break away from the lining of the colon – the lining of the
colon is SO Inflamed and irritable – the virus itself has dug into
the colon – and that’s were you get Bleeding and blood in the
stools. Inflammation becomes so great that stuff starts to explode
in there. So this is colitis and this is what the shingles virus
does. Research and Science has NO Clue and will take another 100
years to figure this out. The medical research field is spending
Billions of Dollars on Gene Research and they are Selling their Souls
– the is Totally WRONG and the wrong direction we should be going.
It’s wrong, wrong, wrong and the big money behind it knows this –
it is a huge diversion from the truth. There can also be heavy metals
in the colon – feeding the virus also. Since
Colitis is caused by the Shingles Virus – see Shingles Virus
section or Shingles Supplements to help rid this virus.
Disease – crohn’s disease
can be caused by a virus OR a bacteria – the virus is usually the
Epstein-Barr virus and the bacteria is usually the Streptococcus
bacteria. Streptococcus can cause crohn’s easily. Crohn’s is a
tricky one – it is chronic inflammation – it can also be caused
by the liver becoming so toxic with heavy metals and other toxins
that it throws it up – or spews out the toxins via bile duct into
the small intestinal tract feeding pathogens of all kinds such as
Streptococcus and Epstein-Barr. So crohn’s can be a combination
of both virus and bacterial. Another thing with crohn’s is that
heavy metals can be released by the liver into the small intestine
and that can not only cause problems on it’s own but viruses and
bacteria love to EAT heavy metals. The heavy metals that we actually
consume – eat through our foods – can actually sit in the
intestinal tract and we can also get older heavy metals like mercury
from the liver. Crohn’s disease has a high degree of toxic heavy
metals that tend to settle in the small intestinal tract. Not every
crohn’s case is the same. So crohn’s can be a combination of
the Epstein-Barr virus – the Streptococcus bacteria – and Heavy
Metals from food and the Liver.
Spasms – the liver can
actually spasm on both the right and left sides when it becomes so
NOT Jump into any Liver Cleanses with Crohn’s, IBS and Colitis –
No one in the Alternative
Medical society knows how to cleanse the liver and they don’t even
know how the liver works or functions. You may aggravate the hell
out of the colon and small intestine.
to actually HEAL Crohn’s, Colitis and IBS – the
first thing we want to do is to build the livers bile production and
reserves up. The first thing you want to do is to drink Celery
Juice. It will be a key in getting rid of Crohn’s, Colitis and
IBS. Drink 16 oz first thing every morning on an empty stomach and
do not add anything to it. Celery juice is an absolute miracle for
rebuilding Bile Salts back in the liver. It makes the Bile Stronger
so it can be Pathogen Killing. This will help kill Streptococcus so
there is less SIBO and less viruses. The Cluster Salts in celery
juice bind on to toxins and they pull them all the way out of
intestinal tract carefully, constructively, systematically,
miraculously, clearing them out. Not only that – the undiscoverd
mineral salts – these highly mineral salts inside of celery –
they help destroy pathogens – they are a poison to pathogens –
they are a poison to viruses and bacteria – they strip off that
membrane shield that viruse and pathogens have to protect themselves.
This will be an Ebb and Flow process – this will take some time.
of the most serious cases of Crohn’s can be treated by drinking
Celery Juice blended with Bananas that
are just ripe – not green and not too ripe – has to be just ripe
– this can heal the most SEVERE cases of Crohn’s. So do the
celery juice first thing in the morning and then later on do the
Papaya – really good for
crohn’s – you can blend this up in smoothies – this alone will
help tremendously with crohn’s, colitis and ibs.
Aloe Vera Leaf – you
cut the leaf and eat the gel out of the middle – scoop out the gel
and eat it once a day.
for Crohn’s Disease and Colitis:
Licorice Root – helps kill pathogens – kills off the Colitis pathogen Shingles virus – it helps heal the inflammation with crohn’s.
Lemon Balm – same thing – incredible for crohn’s, colitis and ibs. These are basic gentle starting points here.
Cat’s Claw – destroys viruses and bacteria in the liver. Has anti-cancer compounds. Stimulates the immune system as it contains oxindole alkaloid compounds. Helps fight off viral and bacterial infections. Cat’s claw is great for the gut and especially colitis. Helps the liver restore and recoup strength *Cat's Claw is a MUST have tincture for EVERY medicine cabinet. No virus or bacteria can develop resistance to Cat's Claw and the medical field has no clue as this could come to replace antibiotics someday - good for daily use. Plenty of decent brands on Amazon like Nature's Answer or Herb Pharm or Hawaii Pharm.
Burdock Root – powerful antiviral, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, painkilling abilities and a powerful medicinal root.
Dandelion Root – helps to reset the filtering capabilities of the liver by dislodging loose toxins that have yet settled and compartmentalized in the liver storage banks. It helps to purge the liver from these free-floating toxins. Increases bile production. Helps the liver recover and regain the ability to filter out toxins. Also helps the liver convert nutrients for their use. The roots are the deepest cleansers and are the bitterest part of dandelion – they purge toxins out of the organs and are the ultimate for detoxification. The leaves helps to prevent lymphoma and edema. Dandelion greens – contain 14% protein, have vitamins A, C, E and K and calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. High in beta-carotene and flavonoid – good for immune and cardiovascular system. Helps to remineralize the body. Vitamin A is good for eye and skin health. Vitamin K is essential for neurological and bone health. Dandelion also removes radiation from the body. *Make sure you get the Dandelion Root tincture - Natures Answer has this option. Dandelion Root Tea from Traditional Medicinals is the best tea and a great option. is an option also.
Hibiscus – the hibiscus gets it’s red color from a unique anthocyanin compound – this compound helps to rejuvenate the liver, bringing it back to life by cleaning off the mucus from cell walls. It improves the liver’s personalized immune system and also rejuvenates the gallbladder as it cleans off it’s walls also. *A great choice of Hibiscus tea is from Traditional Medicinals. Another choice is the Hibuscus tincture from Hawaii Pharm.
Do the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies – 5 ingredients: Wild Blueberries, Spirulina, Barley Grass Juice Powder, Cilantro and Dulse. *Do this daily.
- can substitute Wild Blueberry Powder - Vimergy
Wild Blueberry Powder
by FAR the best but it is a little more costly - Anthony swears this
is the best though. If you do not have the resources you can go with
less expensive brand - Wild
Blueberry Powders
from Vimergy
the very Best right now. Next choice would be - Hawaiian
Grass JUICE Powder
- Note: It has to be Barley
Grass Juice Powder
and not just Barley Grass Powder. The best brand is by Vimergy
it is more expensive at around $5.68 per ounce. You can find a
cheaper brand here if you are financially burdened Barley
Grass Juice Powder
this is less expensive but possibly could compromise quality - make
sure it is the Juice powder.
-- you can either use 1 cup of cilantro or can get Cilantro
It is important to know that cilantro doesn't work effectively on
its own and needs the other ingredients for optimal metal removal.
Dulse - Atlantic Sea Dulse Flakes or Main Coast Dulse Flakes - you want the Dulse from the Atlantic or East Coast. A great option is Main Cost Sea Vegetable Dulse - other options.
to Avoid: Eggs, Cheese, Milk,
Pork, Soy and Gluten foods. Cut animal fats. *Lower Nut Fats.
you can eat:
Fruits – Vegetables – Leafy Greens
You can eat a little bit of Avocado – even though it is high fat – you can have a little bit.
If it is really bad – you may have to go all plant based. Celery, Bananas. Coconut Water, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squash.
Inflammation will begin to drop down when the Bile and Hydrocloric 7 Blend Acid begins to build back up.
If you eat regular potatoes – you should Steam them.
Limit animal protein to once per day or better yet - eliminate all together
Leaky Gut – when someone really has a leaky gut they will be in the hospital with fevers. So it really isn’t what everybody says on the internet. It is an overused term for people not knowing what it going on.
long will this take? If you
can do the Celery Juice for 3 months (90 days) straight – you can
branch off to more fruits and more vegetables and even some more
animal protein. Eat bananas
and steamed potatoes every day. Eliminate those bad foods. The gut
has the ability to heal quickly if one can stick to this diet, take
the supplements and eliminate the bad foods.
of Crohn’s Disease section.
***This is all such a small portion of what Anthony William covers in his books and just is a brief summary. It may look like quite a bit, but it is nothing to what is covered. For more incredible - truthful information please check out Anthoy's books - they truly are Medical Scripture!
Anthony has written six books now with the newest one coming out in May of 2020:
1. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Secrets behind Chronic and Mysterious Illness and how to finally heal.
2. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing
3. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Liver Rescue
4. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods
5. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Celery Juice
6. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal
Below are the absolute BEST books you will find regarding Health. If you or a loved one has been suffering from a chronic illness and has went from doctor to doctor with no help - these are the answers to your prayers - you are FINALLY in the right place at the right time. Forget about ALL the other books on your shelf - these are the ONLY ones you will ever need. They are medical and health scripture. They will provide YOU with the ability to get your life back! Finally some true answers.

What are the details covered in Anthony William's new book coming in May, 2020 Cleanse to Heal?
- ALL the supplements and the DOSES you need for healing and dealing with all kinds of illnesses listed below along with the TRUE causes to ALL of these symptoms and conditions – over 200 of them.
- ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SIBO, Gastroparesis, Digestive Problems, Nail Fungus, Hot Flashes, Temperature Fluctuations, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Bloating, Depression, Anxiety, Eczema, Psoriasis, PCOS, join pains, Headaches and Migraines, Endometriosis, Neurological symptoms, Hot Flashes, Chills, Body Sweats, High Blood Pressure, Herpes Simplex, Gall Stones, Glaucoma, Fatty Liver, Edema, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Cracked Skin, Dry Eye Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 1.5, Diabetes 2, Corneal Disease, Constant Hunger, Constipation, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye, – just all of the illnesses that medical science cannot help with – which are actually most of them. Anthony will show protocols and the right kind of supplements you need to heal these ailments above (and more), and the doses you need to be taking.
HOME-- *ALL Links to all categories covered by Anthony William.
Supplements- for each illness.
This information needs to be KNOWN.
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Disclaimer: The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
*Affiliate Disclosure: Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.
LINKS to All Subjects Covered:
Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed–the cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more.
Supplements section- supplements for every illness covered - from Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Lyme to Crohn's, IBS, Colitis to Autism, Alzheimer's, Brain Fog to Anxiety, Depression, Headaches and much more.
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