The Truth about Fruit

The Truth about Fruit

---Anthony William -  receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday.  Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth -  this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable, valid and true.

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Truths about Fruit – Truth about Fruit section –

First of all - just to get this out of the way.  Fruit Sugar does NOT feed cancer.  There are certain doctors that are very good doctors who believe that fruit sugar feeds cancer and they recommend eliminating it if you have cancer.  That is a HUGE mistake.  They are misinterpreting how cancer reacts.  The truth is that fruit sugars will not feed ANY pathogen in the body.  In fact fruit sugar is anti-pathogenic and ALWAYS will be.  So if you know someone who is avoiding fruit as they have learned it feeds cancer - that is FALSE and this came from some Good Hearted Doctors who actually do display compassion - but they are wrong on this point and it is a big point because fruit is SO very important to our diet.  Very important.

Fruit is 100% the most important food there is when it comes to recovering from a chronic illness. There is now more fruit available than anytime in our history but fruit consumption is very low. There is a misconception that fruit sugar is not good – this cannot be further from the truth. Fruit sugar is the absolute best thing for someone who has diabetes – but our medical industry leads us in the opposite direction and not only are people not recovering but more and more are becoming ill. It can be hard to believe that the leaders in our medical industry do not have our best interests in their hearts – but this is the case. 
  • The medical industry is a business first and a massive one at that – when money is involved – that becomes the number one motivating factor. Greed has allowed this misconception to take form and thrive with the industry controlling our media and spreading propaganda that fruit is something that can make a person sicker. There is just no big money that can be made from fruit and if fruit will make a people healthier and the industry makes money from people being sick – the two do not correlate well. When is the last time you heard of a major study on how bananas can help heal intestinal illnesses? What good would that be to an industry if they knew that bananas would make people healthier? You are not going to see people from the medical industry and pharmaceuticals putting their money in research about how fruit can save lives, reverse illnesses and keep people away from the doctor. We tend to believe that medical and science research is all positive and have the best interest of the people – this is what they want you to believe – but if this were true they would be out of their jobs.

There is an anti-sugar movement going on and it is dissuading people from eating fruit – especially - diabetics. They are basically saying that fruit sugar is just like processed sugar – it can cause weight gain and health problems. Fruit is the healthiest and most healing food on the planet and it vital for anyone suffering from any type of chronic illness. The sugar in fruit is NOTHING like the sugar in candy, sodas and frostings – these are dangerous sugars that can cause illness and weight gain. Fruit sugar and processed sugar are not in the same universe relative to an individuals health and they should never be thrown in the same pot of propaganda that fruit sugar is similar to the sugar in ice cream and junk foods – but is has been thrown in the same pot.

Why is Fruit so Healthy?
  • Fruit contains water, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and most importantly a glucose sugar that is so very important for healing illnesses and diseases of all kinds. Fruit is the most important food to consume to protect you and your loved ones from a lifetime of chronic unnecessary suffering.
Is it okay to eat Fruit that is out of season and shipped across the world?
  • YES – fruit will have the same nutrients that it would if it was grown in season in your own state. Hundreds of years ago royalty had fruits of all kinds shipped to them from around the world – royalty had a much longer lifespan and much less illness than the rest of the population that were unable to access fruit. One of the most important vitamins that we all need is vitamin C – it helps to keep the immune system strong and healthy. Fruit has lots of vitamin c.
What about Fruit that is picked unripe?
  • Fruit doesn’t have to be on the tree or vine to become ripe. It does have to be picked in a window though – and farmers know this. Fruit will ripen and will contain ALL the nutrients it would if it were on the tree or vine. Yes, picking fruit that is not ripe is fine.
Is Hybridization the same as GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms?
  • NO – GMO – is when the fruit has been modified on a genetic level – this is devastating to the fruit and is occurring in almost every food across the country. GMO foods have disastrous effects on human health and should be avoided at ALL costs. Hybridization – this goes back in history over 3500 years ago in China. This is perfectly FINE as it is a natural process that is given to us to discover all varieties of fruits and vegetables. You can cross a peach with a plum – that is totally fine – this would occur in nature at some point anyway – in GMO – genes from unrelated species are isolated and modified to produce an outcome that would NOT occur naturally. Hybridization – includes cross pollination and grafting – both of these occur in nature and are perfectly fine. Hybridization of new fruits can help us discover new antioxidants and anthocyanins – which can be a huge benefit to mankind. Hybridization is how we have become – it is how we have survived and evolved so far. Now there are literally thousands of varieties of oranges, apples and pears through hybridization – and this has brought to light many more nutrients that can serve humankind. During hybridization – the new plants change in many ways – the roots could go deeper and stem wider, some plants will pick up different nutrients from the soil and they may even absorb sun differently – all of these new characteristics will bring new nutrients to the table. Some examples of hybridization include: The Meyer Lemon – a cross between a lemon and mandarin. The Boysenberry – a cross between the blackberry and raspberry. The Tangelo – cross between a tangerine and either a grapefruit or a pomelo.
Does Fruit Slow Aging?
  • YES – Fruit stops and prevents oxidation – oxidation is what ages us. Fruit also prevents toxic heavy metals from oxidizing – which can prevent Alzheimer’s – which is the oxidation of mercury and aluminum in the brain. Wild Blueberries – especially help to prevent oxidation in the brain – wild blueberries should be the number one food for anyone with pre-Alzheimer’s or Alzheimer’s – need 2 cups a day and it is best in a smoothie with bananas. *See Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.
Is Fruit Anti-bacterial or Antiviral?
  • YES – Fruit is both antibacterial and antiviral. This is one of the reasons why fruit is so important. The illnesses and labeled diseases caused by bacteria and viruses numerous. Almost all illnesses are due to a pathogen of some kind – mainly bacteria and viruses. When trying to heal from a chronic illness like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue – caused by a virus OR SIBO, sinus congestion, acne or a UTI – caused by Streptococcus bacteria – fruit will be our best ally – because fruit stops viruses and kills bad bacteria. Fruit not only will kill pathogens but will help remove them from the body. Fruit helps ALL neurological conditions. Anyone suffering from cancer should eat plenty of fruit, cut out all meat, eat leafy greens and vegetables and make at least one of the heavy metal detox smoothies a day.
What is so special about Fruit Sugar?
  • Our bodies run off of sugar – not protein or fat – in fact – fat is non-essential to the body. Sugar is an absolute essential for survival. Fruit Sugar is the best sugar for the body and it helps with the absorption of all nutrients. Every nutrient must be accompanied by sugar to enter a cell – without sugar – nutrients are completely worthless. You can take a bottle of supplements but if there is too little sugar in the body – the supplements will be completely useless. Does your brain every get a bit foggy and unclear at the end of the day? It is because it needs sugar. The brain is made of stored glycogen – which is mostly glucose. Most people would believe the brain is made of fats – so UNTRUE. The brain needs a constant flow of glucose to optimally function. We need a constant intake of critical carbohydrates – these come from foods like sweet potatoes, potatoes, winter squash and all fruits.
What happens to Fruit when you eat a High Fat diet?
  • High fats are foods like hamburger, french fries, milk, cheese, skinless chicken breast, bacon, yogurt, sour cream, butter, kefir and ice cream. High fat vegan foods are nuts, seeds, oils, coconut and avocados.
  • High fat diets disperse fat all throughout the body – tissue, blood and organs – all this fat hogs out the space that fruit sugar needs to combine with nutrients and enter cells – thus the body receives much less of the nutrients it needs. Eating a high fat diet – year after year – will eventually clog up the liver with fat. This places a lot of stress on the liver as it must compose very strong bile to emulsify fats appropriately – this exhausts the liver and it becomes stagnant and not performing up to par. This will lead to weight gain and the potential onset of illnesses. Once fats are not being properly digested and disposed of they will line the organs, blood vessels, stomach and intestinal tract. Without strong bile being produced by the liver this fat that lines the guts will putrefy and become rancid.
  • When you eat fruit – the fiber, pulp and pectin will move the rancid fats – this can cause detoxification symptoms as all the toxins begin moving around and get stirred up. This can result in bloating, inflammation, indigestion symptoms, acne, headaches, rashes and can cause fatigue. Fruit may get the BLAME for all of these symptoms – but the fruit is just doing the job of cleaning out the body – but the body can experience these symptoms until all the toxins are eliminated – once eliminated you will not experience these bothersome symptoms.
What about Fructose intolerance or experiencing fruit allergies?
  • First of all – it is not that people are “allergic” to fruit – even if the so called breath allergy test from the doctor says that you are allergic. You can blame FAT for this as there is no where for the fruit sugars to go – so they will show up in your breath. The fruit sugars will not be able to absorb through the thick layer of fat in your stomach and intestines. So it is NOT that you are fructose intolerant and cannot eat fruit sugar – it is that you have rancid fat that is blocking fruit sugar from doing its job. PLUS – bad sugars can be in your stomach for days – especially milk and cheese sugar – or lactose. Even a chocolate candy bar can have sugar in the body for days. It is for this reason that these tests are simply inaccurate.
  • There is also a test called the Hereditary Fructose Intolerant test (HFI test). This test looks for an enzyme called Aldolase b in the liver. When this enzyme isn’t found – doctors may give the diagnosis of HFI – high fructose intolerant. This is a FALSE positive also as it is the fats that hide this enzyme as it really is in the liver but it is likely at lower levels due to high fats. Fruit is the actual CURE for not having enough aldolase b. This test is worthless and shouldn’t be used.
  • Bringing fruit back into the diet will provide the body with vitamins, minerals, nutrients and phytochemicals that will provide amazing benefits to help the body heal from any and all ailments.
What about Tomatoes?
  • Tomatoes – just as celery juice has it’s very own specialized vitamin c – BUT this specialized undiscovered vitamin c in tomatoes can stop at least 20 types of cancers. Tomatoes also prevent lipomas, cysts, fibroids, tumors and nodules from developing on the thyroid.
  • Tomatoes are also antiviral and antibacterial.
  • Nightshades – there is information out there that tomatoes are a nightshade and you are to avoid eating all nightshades. This information is totally FALSE and tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods on planet Earth. This information was based on old studies – that were untrue anyway as their was corruption and financial motives relative to the studies. Tomatoes are NOT dangerous whatsoever.
  • Growing your own tomatoes will produce a specialized medicine made just for you – so next time your out watering your tomatoes – have this in mind – it is actively producing phytochemicals just for you – the caretaker.
What are some other benefits of fruit?
  • Fruit will help lose weight – not gain weight.
  • Fruit helps heal acne – not cause acne – it actually goes after the Streptococcus bacteria that caused acne.
  • Fruit will help with indigestion – at first it may stir the rancid fats and debris – but once this storm has settled and the toxins are removed – fruit will be the biggest asset for stomach and gut health.
  • Fruit is GREAT for diabetes – it does NOT cause it or make it worse. It is the FAT that blocks sugars from entering cells – thus causing insulin resistance.
  • Fruit is GREAT for the brain – the brain is mostly sugar and desperately needs fruit sugar to function at top levels.
  • Fruit should be your biggest ally – it can be your savior in times of illness – and it can be your savior ALL of the time to prevent illness in the first place. Eat as much as you can – there is no over eating fruit!
END of Truth about Fruit – End of Truth about Fruit section.

Anthony's Books:
Anthony has written six books now with the newest one coming out in May of 2020:  
Anthony William – Medical Medium: Secrets behind Chronic and Mysterious Illness.  
  1. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Secrets behind Chronic and Mysterious Illness and how to finally heal.
  2. Anthony William - Medical Medium:  Thyroid Healing 
  3. Anthony William - Medical Medium:  Liver Rescue 
  4. Anthony William - Medical Medium:   Life Changing Foods 
  5. Anthony William - Medical Medium:  Celery Juice
  6. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal

Secretes Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal  -- when Anthony's waiting list to see him was over 1 MILLION - Spirit informed him that he wouldn't ever be capable of helping them all on an individual level so Spirit instructed Anthony to write everything down so the masses could have access.  Anthony had previously worked 7 days a week for years straight helping people at all hours of the day.  This is the book that started it all. Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos, Candida, Migraines, Adrenal Fatigue, Shingles, Autism and ADHD - much more -- the cause of ALL of these and how to treat them.  Just an incredible book that Spirit has conveyed through Anthony.  A must read for EVERYONE!!!

Thyroid Healing -- so many people today have some type of thyroid condition. If you suffer from Insomnia, Hashimoto's, Graves Disease, have thyroid nodules or have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism you have to have this information as our medical system has FAILED us on all thyroid conditions. You will find out exactly what causes all thyroid conditions and how to heal them - yes it is possible to heal them and not just treat the symptoms. Incredible information and it is true - all the misinformation around web forums and Facebook forums is a disservice - this is the real truth.

Life Changing Foods -- just as the title says - foods that literally will change your life.  It is nice to finally know what is REALLY  good for us as over the years we hear or read one thing and then that is contradicted and so on.  NOW you will KNOW for sure what foods you should be eating.

Liver Rescue -- This is an incredible book.  The information in this book is a Gold Mind - the answers to how psoriasis develops and how to treat it -- exactly what causes acne, gout, bloating, gallstones, adrenal fatigue, fatty liver and how to treat each one.  Spirit informs Anthony all the mechanisms and processes the liver does.  All illness begins in the liver. If you or a loved one have Diabetes, SIBO or an Autoimmune disorder / disease this is a MUST - it explains how the medical industry is so WRONG about Autoimmune.  Just a great book.

Celery Juice isn't a vegetable but is the MOST powerful, most medicinal, most healing Herb on Earth.  Anthony William started the celery juice fad and it is one that will never go away - because it is works.  If you have suffered from ANY intestinal or GI issues this is an absolute must.

Anthony's Brand New book Cleanse to Heal is coming out in May 2020 and is going to be power packed with information just about every illness and how to treat.  Anthony said he really questioned Spirit of Compassion for this information.  Over 600 pages.  ONLY $20 - incredible deal and if you have read any of his other books you know what you get!

What are the details covered in Anthony William's new book coming in May, 2020 Cleanse to Heal?

  • ALL the supplements and the DOSES you need for healing and dealing with all kinds of illnesses and he explains the TRUE Causes to ALL of these and more – over 200 conditions and symptoms including the ones below.
  •  ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SIBO, Gastroparesis, Digestive Problems, Nail Fungus, Hot Flashes, Temperature Fluctuations, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Bloating, Depression, Anxiety, Eczema, Psoriasis, PCOS, join pains, Headaches and Migraines, Endometriosis, Neurological symptoms, Hot Flashes, Chills, Body Sweats, High Blood Pressure, Herpes Simplex, Gall Stones, Glaucoma, Fatty Liver, Edema, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Cracked Skin, Dry Eye Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 1.5, Diabetes 2, Corneal Disease, Constant Hunger, Constipation, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye, – just all of the illnesses that medical science cannot help with – which are actually most of them. Anthony will show protocols and the right kind of supplements you need to heal these ailments above (and more), and the doses you need to be taking.   


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Disclaimer: The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

*Affiliate Disclosure:  Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.


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