Epstein-Barr Virus -Part 1


Listen to your Body when it Whispers – so you won’t have to Hear it when it Screams.”


---Anthony William - receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday. Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth - this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable and true.

How to Heal Autism /  Characteristics of Epstein-Barr Virus  /  Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed -cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more. / The Shingles Virus Revealed  /  Shingles Virus FACTS  /  VIRUS - EBV - Shingles - CMV - HSV-1 - HHV-6  / Crohn's - Colitis and IBS  / The Protein Misconception - is Protein that Important to you? / The Keys to Live Longer / Unknown Facts you will NEVER find in ANY health, medical or nutrition book. / Anthony Interviewed by Suzanah Scully - Secrets about Chronic Illness. / Protection from the Corona Virus, Flu Virus and other Viruses /Unknown FACTS you will NOT find in ANY medical, health or nutrition book - Part 1 / Unknown Facts - Part 2 / Supplements – section /Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie /Pathogen fighting Herbs and Supplements / 3 Supplements we ALL are Deficient in / Why am I Hungry ALL of the time / Healing your Neurological System / The Truth about Fruit / Celery Juice / Anthony William – Medical Medium Books / Children’s Health / What NOT to eat – the BAD Foods / Why EGGS are BAD / How to Heal Endometriosis / What the Medical Industry doesn’t know / What causes Psoriasis and Eczema – and how do I heal it? / Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus / What is the Cause of Alzheimer's Disease? /  Supplements for Endometriosis  /  UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 3   /  11 Must Have Antiviral and-or Antibacterial Herbs for your Medicine Cabinet  /  Why does Benzodiazepine and Opiate Withdrawal cause Blurry Vision?  /  What EXACTLY is a Herxheimer reaction and who is at risk?  /  How much bacteria is actually in our Gut?  /  What causes Inflammation in the Gut?  / 4 Things to Heal the Gut  /  Interesting Facts - Part 1  /  Weight Gain and Diabetes  /   Short Facts - The Holy 4 Food Groups  /  UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 4  /  Short Facts - Part 2  /  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - short facts -1  /  Interview - Anthony William Interviewed by Lewis Howes on 2-27-2020  /  UNKOWN FACTS -Part 5  /  Foundational Supplements  /  Ingredients and Fillers to AVOID in Supplements  /  Supplements for Hepatitis  / Supplements for Diabetes and Blood Sugar Imbalance - Type 1, 1.5 and 2  /  Supplements for Brain Fog  /  Supplements for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and increasing Energy  /  Supplements for IBS  /  Supplements for ACNE  /  Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue /  Supplements for Bloating  /  Supplements for Autoimmune Disease  /  Supplements for Constipation  /  Supplements for Dark Circle under the Eyes  / Supplements - About Supplements  /  TOP 50 Supplements  /  12 Life Saving Angels  /  CANCER:  What causes cancer and how viruses convert normal cells into cancer cells  /  ORAL Health Essentials  /  Herbs - Healing Power of Herbs and Spices  /  Foods that feed Pathogens such as Viruses and Bacteria  /  4 Stages of Epstein-Barr Virus  /  Rooting Process of a Virus  /  SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder  /  Healing Broth Recipe  /  HEART Health - true cause of high blood pressure, cholesterol, palpitations strokes and more  /  What is the true cause of High Cholesterol?  /  Healing Allergies - Food Allergies - Hay Fever and more  /  Inflammation -- Only two things cause inflammation.  /

"Listen to your body when it whispers – so you won’t have to hear it when it screams."  

Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other.  When aligned healing becomes easy. 

Epstein-Barr Virus - *Also see 4 Stages of Epstein-Barr virus - section and Characteristics of Epstein-Barr Virus - section.

Epstein-Barr Virus - Part 1

Epstein-Barr virus is causing horrific suffering in millions of people and the medical field has no clue. 

 Epstein Barr is behind a variety of diseases and disorders such as:
  • Hashimotos Thyroiditis 
  • Lyme Disease
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • and many more conditions.

Knowing is half the battle – When it comes down to healing Epstein-Barr just knowing the truth and knowing the cause is half the battle of healing. If we don’t have answers and don’t know the true cause – then how is healing going to occur. Knowing the cause is half the battle. The other half is having the answers on what to do – so knowing what to do is the other half of the battle to defeat Epstein-Barr.

Antibiotic History – To understand Epstein-Barr virus we have to go back to 1890. At this time in history a harmless herpetic virus (herpes virus) in nature was redefining itself due to antibiotic experimentation. Yes, this was before 1928 when we officially became aware of antibiotics – specifically Penicillin. Prior to this there were other antibiotics that were being experimented with. This was the early renditions of penicillin being used to treat bacteria. At the same time – this harmless herpetic virus – later named Epstein-Barr was developing an intelligence and learning how to cope and maneuver around pre-antibiotics. It began to use these unnamed antibiotics as a food source.

Herbicide, Fungicide, Insecticide and Pesticide History – This wouldn’t have been a big deal IF there wasn’t something else going on at the very same time in history. This was herbicide, fungicide, insecticide and pesticide experimentation. The actual use of them didn’t come out until the late 1930’s but experimentation was occurring in the 1890’s. They were composed of arsenic and lead and they were basically arsenic sprays – mixtures of water, arsenic and lead – this made an arsenic vapor. This was a brand new toxin in those days released into our immune systems. Back in 1900 this spray was on ALL the food supply and no one even knew a thing about it. The concept of Organic and Conventional didn’t exist yet.

This arsenic spray was on all the foods. Back then everyone had a big container at home with a hand pump and in this container was the arsenic lead spray that they would use for their gardens to keep bugs off.

Mutating Epstein Barr – This common docile herpetic virus that we call Epstein-Barr now – learned how to use toxic heavy metals as a food source. So arsenic and lead became fuel for this virus. So in a way you could say that the Industrial Revolution was creating Epstein-Barr virus. Epstein-Barr was beginning to redefine itself and mutate by thriving on these toxic heavy metals – including early antibiotics that were Pre Penicillin and these antibiotics also had heavy metals in them. So by the year 1900 Epstein-Barr had established itself with a hunger for arsenic, lead, a little mercury and at this time the foods were just covered with this stuff.

Arsenic and Lead into the Thyroid – Arsenic and Lead is found in our food and water. When consumed the arsenic and lead is quickly absorbed into the thyroid glands. Arsenic is absorbed very quickly – as soon as it touches the mouth it is being absorbed right away and when they swallowed it would be absorbed in their throat and went directly in the thyroid. The thyroid would fill up with arsenic, lead and even some mercury.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – The Epstein-Barr virus would then start to search for food and travel to the thyroid gland – once it invaded the thyroid it caused Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. This label of “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis” was first introduced in 1912. No one knew back then in 1912 what caused this and no one knows today in the so called Medical Science and Research field. * Epstein-Barr virus causes this.

Stage 3 of Epstein-Barr – when the Epstein-Barr virus gets into the thyroid it is stage 3 of Epstein-Barr. So since the name Hashimoto’s was introduced and labeled in 1912 – Stage 3 of Epstein-Barr was prior to 1912.

4 Stages of Epstein-Barr – Stage 1 – of Epstein-Barr is when the virus is in the body but in a dormancy incubation period. It is waiting for an opportunity when we get really run or we get stressed or we get deficient or we’re intoxicated with some kind of poison or we are experiencing emotional hardships and then --- BOOM – Rheumatic Fever occurs. Rheumatic Fever is Epstein-Barr virus. No one in the medical industry knows this though. It is a variety of mononucleosis. Now it is actually diagnosed as Mononucleosis – but it used to be diagnosed as Rheumatic fever. It was also called Glandular Fever. Stage 2 – is when Epstein-Barr turns into Mononucleosis. Mononucleosis, Rheumatic Fever and Glandular Fever are all the same. Now – after mononucleosis the virus goes back into a dormancy period – this could take a month – a year – a decade – three decades – it all depends what is going on with the person. This happens before it goes to stage 3. Stage 3 – Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – which is hypothyroidism. This depends on so many variables that effects a persons immune system. Before you get Hashimoto’s you have had to of had Mononucleosis prior to at some point. This is not understood by medical industry.

Back to the 1900’s – Back in the early 1900’s it usually took longer for the Epstein-Barr virus to progress to the next stage because there were so few varieties / subgroups, strains or mutations of it. Today there are over 60 varieties today. Our medical profession has no clue about this. Some are docile, some are timid and some are more aggressive. If a person was born around 1900 it would take about between 40 and 50 years before the virus would go into the next stage. Between 1945 and 1950 – thousands of women were experiencing symptoms never seen in history. These symptoms that these women rushed to see their doctors were called Stage 4 Epstein-Barr. Stage 4 – the symptoms were: tingles and numbness, aches and pains, joint swelling, vertigo and dizziness, tinnitus – ringing and buzzing in the ears, hot flashes, heart palpitations, night sweats, brain fog, depression, anxiety, burning feelings, burning in various parts of body, pins and needles, blurry eyes, migraines, loss of libido, pains in the back of neck and head, unexplained weight gain, swelling and edema, swollen ankles and knees, inner body vibrations, confusion and body pains. Women were told at this time that it was all in their head, that they were lazy, bored, crazy (crazy women’s syndrome) – now we put labels on sets of symptoms so at least they are recognizing it is something.

The Push Back – by the late 1950’s Women had had enough. After this the medical field place a HUGE blame on one thing – that was HORMONES. This was the birth of the hormonal movement. They still thought nothing was wrong because all scans and blood looked just fine. Women never suffered from these symptoms ever before. It was Epstein-Barr all the time. Still to this day they don’t know what causes these symptoms. Men are being diagnosed with hormone problems also.

1964 Discovery of Epstein-Barr virus – Two virologists discovered a virus that was responsible for mononucleosis. This was an amazing discovery that they named Epstein-Barr virus after the doctors. *This just shows what is possible with the doctor’s out there – but the problem is that the funding dropped.

Labels on Symptoms – the medical field instead of figuring out that all these symptoms were caused by Epstein-Barr placed labels on all of these symptoms. This turned out to be a total disaster and made absolutely no progress. Fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis c, Hashimoto’s, rheumatoid arthritis – kids get this early and it is a later stage – they can still heal though, menopause – supposed to be just end of cycle- prior to 1945 women felt great after their cycle stopped – in fact women used to look forward to this as energy would actually increase with no symptoms whatsoever, lupus, depression and many more. All of these are just different strains or varieties of Epstein-Barr virus- in different stages. There are over 60 stages of Epstein-Barr.

Menopause – prior to 1945 there were no symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes or rashes – women actually looked forward to it as they would feel great and have more energy with no symptoms. It wasn’t until Epstein-Barr virus hit stage 3 that the label “hormonal” was first mentioned and was associated with the end of a womens menstrual cycles.

Hepatitis C – is a condition of the liver caused by Epstein-Barr.

Glaucoma – caused by Epstein-Barr.

Breast Cancer – certain cancers are caused by Epstein-Barr and breast cancer is one of them.

Mononucleosis – you don’t have to remember having mononucleosis because it could have been a light form and you didn’t even go to the doctor.

Tests for Epstein-Barr – they only test for Mononucleosis and they don’t have any tests for anything else because they don’t even know that Epstein-Barr has stages and each stage is a different strain or variety so there is NO chance that it would show up on their current tests. If you have mononucleosis in the past it could still be creating symptoms now. Epstein-Barr is in the organs and in the nervous system – they have no tests to test the organs and the nerves.

Back to Stage 4 Epstein-Barr – doctors cannot find any sign of it in the bloodstream so they dismiss it. This is one of the greatest mistakes in medical history. It just could be the greatest medical blunder of our time.

Symptoms of Epstein-Barr – Epstein-Barr is herpetic – it is in the herpes family. This is the one family of all Bugs that release a neurotoxin that aggravates the nervous system causing tingling and numbness. This neurotoxin is an excrement that comes out of the virus and feeds off of eggs, dairy, heavy metals, pesticides and so much more – but is loves eggs. This neurotoxin also creates what we call “Food Allergies.”

Food Allergies – how can I be allergic to milk? I used to be able to drink it by the gallon and feel good, but now I can’t stand one cup of it. You’re not really allergic but the milk is providing food for the pathogens and virus and when you drink the milk the virus and bacteria eats it and excretes neurotoxins and toxins galore. That is what is causing the problem. The Epstein-Barr virus is eating and pooping. Epstein-Barr creates a lot of byproducts and debris that builds up in the liver. This causes a stagnant sluggish liver and can even cause heart palpitations. The byproducts go up to the heart and create heart palpitations. It is a sticky residue that builds up in the Mitral Valve. The valve begins to stick.

Inflammation – the debris and byproducts that the Epstein-Barr makes raises inflammation markers. It causes the C-reactive protein test to be positive. Same with Anti-nuclear Antigen Test – the byproduct causes a positive result. If we just happen to have a lupus suspicion and we are seeing a lupus doctor and this test came back positive you would receive the diagnoses of having lupus. So yes, Epstein-Barr virus is the cause of Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lyme disease. Yes – Lyme disease. It’s NOT caused by bacteria but they can be co-factors – the true cause is both the Epstein-Barr virus which there are 61 strains and the Shingles virus which there are over 30 strains. (Medical field has no clue as to these facts.)

Homocysteine – this byproduct raises homocysteine which can cause MTHFR gene mutations. These are caused by Epstein-Barr. This is from having Epstein-Barr in your system for a LONG time in your life. It releases all of this debris, byproducts and neurotoxins and it raises homocysteine levels. This causes methylation issues.

Epstein-Barr and Lyme Tests – Epstein-Barr can trigger a positive on a lyme disease test. The test can come back as borderline – well – there is NO borderline lyme – either you have it you don’t. Plus they don’t even have a test in which they can know for sure that it is the Borrelia – this is fooling everyone. The byproduct of Epstein-Barr looks like spirochetes and it has fooled medical science and research.

Tonsils and Epstein-Barr – Epstein-Barr is responsible for hundreds of thousands of people having their tonsils removed. This was from the elusive mononucleosis and it masked as tonsillitis. They didn’t even realize what was causing tonsillitis.

Fibromyalgia – caused by Epstein-Barr and the onset is usually stress or trauma related – like a car accident, divorce, death in the family, etc.

Tinnitus – Ringing of the Ears – it is caused by the labyrinth (inner ear) getting inflamed by Epstein-Barr’s neurotoxin. It can be damaged or injured by excessive sound as concerts or working by something loud… but this is different altogether.

Vertigo and Dizziness – the vagus nerve that runs through the chest and makes the chest feel tight. The vagus nerve gets inflamed by neurotoxins from Epstein-Barr causing bouts of vertigo – head spins, dizziness, balance issues, that are inexplicable from the medical world. This is caused by Epstein Barr.


Back of the Head and Neck – caused by the phrenic nerves becoming inflamed by the Epstein-Barr virus neurotoxins. They run up through the chest through the neck.

Friend in Crime – Epstein-Barr has a friend in crime called Streptococcus. That’s when you get strept throat – doctor will check for vaginal streptococcus during pregnancy. Streptococcus is everywhere in our body. It is a co-factor to Epstein-Barr which causes a lot of the bladder problems.

Interstitial Cystitis – this is caused by Streptococcus and it’s co-factor Epstein-Barr. This comes with bladder leaking, bladder spasms,

The viral load must be knocked down to restore your nervous system and restoring your health. If you have had symptoms for years in your life – it IS going to take a little while. Patience is the key here. You have to know that you can recover – but it could honestly take a good year if you’ve been sick for 25 or 30 years to see some real good progress...but it WILL come.

Foods for Epstein-Barr:
1. Celery Juice – mineral salts that help with stripping away at the bacteria cell walls and virus membranes. 16 oz on empty stomach first thing in the morning.
2. Wild Blueberries – best food on the planet for health and healing. It flushes the neurotoxins our of the liver.
3. Sprouts – antiviral and provide the elevated biotics.
4. Asparagus – strengthens everything – cleanses the liver and clears toxins out.
5. Spinach – cleanses out the overload of Epstein-Barr toxins.
6. Apricots – helps rebuild the nervous system.
7. Cilantro – removes heavy metals which feeds Epstein-Barr. It robs metal from Epstein-Barr.
8. Parsley – another one that robs metals (the food) from Epstein-Barr.
9. Raspberries – helps restore the nervous system that Epstein-Barr destroys.
.1 Fennel Bulb Juice – it helps clean Epstein-Barr out of the system.
.2 Ginger –

Supplements that help Knock down the Epstein-Barr Viral Load over time:

  • Silver Hydrosol – Sovereign Silver is a great brand -- take a little every day and it will help
  • Zinc Sulfate – the liquid zinc sulfate - the Vimergy brand is the best -- zinc sulfate fortifies the endocrine system, the adrenal glands, thyroid and thalamus – as they strengthen and help support neurotransmitters. Helps to repair and grow neurons also. The reason why so many have Epstein-Barr today is that they have a zinc deficiency. There is no zinc left in the food because there is none left in the soil.
  • Vitamin B-12  Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin – helps the brain and nervous system – make sure it is the Adenosylcobalamin and Methylcobalamin blend. 
  • L-lysine – you have to take HIGH doses – minimum of 2000 mg. If you take enough of this – differences WILL occur. Take 3000 mg of L-lysine with 6,000mg of vitamin c twice a day and see some real results. It kills it and pushes it out of the system.  A good brand is Pure Encapsulations L-lysine.
  • Ester – C –  or Liposomal Vitamin C --  helps repair damaged neurotransmitters and supports the adrenal glands and also aids in flushing out toxins and cleanses the liver. This is great for increasing immune strength to help fight viruses and bacteria.
  • Cat's Claw -- lowers viral load and helps rid of co-factors like Streptococcus, E. coli and H.pylori. Get the Non-Alcohol Cat's Claw -- get the Vegetable Glycerin Tincture.
  • Lemon Balm – kills viruses, bacteria and fungus in the intestinal tract and reduces inflammation – thus helps to prevent reactions from eating good foods. Lemon Balm is an incredible Epstein-Barr killer and builds up immune system while   knocking EBV out. *Purchase the vegetable glycerin and not the alcohol tinctures. 
  • Nettle Leaf tincture-- provides nutrients to brain, blood and CNS. Great Adaptogen and great to add to lemon balm. A high quality Nettle Leaf Tincture is by Vimergy.
  • Selenium – protects the nervous system.
  • Spirulina– helps removes toxic heavy metals from brain and also helps with forming neurons and nourishes neurotransmitters.– antiviral and helps pull metals away from Epstein-Barr.
  • 5-MTHF – Methylfolate – a great one for Epstein-Barr.  5-MTHF - helps to  strengthen the endocrine system and central nervous system.  Also helps the liver receive B-12. 
  • Elderberry -- it is an antiviral and helps to strengthen the immune system - great for all viruses. 
Cat's ClawLemon BalmL-lysineMonolaurinZinc Sulfate LiposomalVitamin C and Vitamin B-12  are must haves to kill the Epstein-Barr virus. 

The main Objective to Killing Epstein-Barr – the main objective to regaining health will be to kill off about 90% of Epstein-Barr. You actually WANT to leave some in the body to act kind of like a vaccine – leaving a little bit in your system will prevent a new unfamiliar one from entering. It prevents you from catching another variety of mononucleosis. So having a little bit is not a bad thing – it is a good thing. You want to knock as much down as you can and you seriously CAN get your life back. Yes, it will take time and patience but just know that you can do it. Everybody deserves to heal and it is a God given right to heal. This isn’t karma and you didn’t create it. Just knowing the TRUTH is what will help break it down. Eliminate the bad foods – eggs, dairy, gluten, processed foods, soy, msg, corn, pork and limit animal protein to once daily. Do the Celery Juice every morning and if you can – do the lemon juice about 30 minutes before for a liver prep. Eat lots of fruit – cannot get too much fruit. Lots of Leafy Greens. Sugar and Mineral Salts are what the body is made of – give the body what it needs and it will heal.

END of Epstein-Barr Virus - Part 1.

*Learn ALL about Epstein-Barr and everything it does in Anthony's book called "Thyroid Healing".

Anthony William Books: 

Anthony has a new book coming out in May 2020 and you can get it on Amazon now: Cleanse to Heal

***This is all such a small portion of what Anthony William covers in his books and just is a brief summary. It may look like quite a bit, but it is nothing to what is covered. For more incredible - truthful information please check out Anthoy's books - they truly are Medical Scripture!

Anthony has written six books now with the newest one coming out in May of 2020:

2. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing

3. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Liver Rescue

4. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods

5. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Celery Juice

6. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal

Below are the absolute BEST books you will find regarding Health. If you or a loved one has been suffering from a chronic illness and has went from doctor to doctor with no help - these are the answers to your prayers - you are FINALLY in the right place at the right time. Forget about ALL the other books on your shelf - these are the ONLY ones you will ever need.  They are medical and health scripture. They will provide YOU with the ability to get your life back!  Finally some true answers.

Secretes Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal -- when Anthony's waiting list to see him was over 1 MILLION - Spirit informed him that he wouldn't ever be capable of helping them all on an individual level so Spirit instructed Anthony to write everything down so the masses could have access. Anthony had previously worked 7 days a week for years straight helping people at all hours of the day. This is the book that started it all. Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos, Candida, Migraines, Adrenal Fatigue, Shingles, Autism and ADHD - much more -- the cause of ALL of these and how to treat them. Just an incredible book that Spirit has conveyed through Anthony. A must read for EVERYONE!!!

   Thyroid Healing -- so many people today have some type of thyroid condition. If you suffer from Insomnia, Hashimoto's, Graves Disease, have thyroid nodules or have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism you have to have this information as our medical system has FAILED us on all thyroid conditions. You will find out exactly what causes all thyroid conditions and how to heal them - yes it is possible to heal them and not just treat the symptoms. Incredible information and it is true - all the misinformation around web forums and Facebook forums is a disservice - this is the real truth.

   Life Changing Foods -- just as the title says - foods that literally will change your life. It is nice to finally know what is REALLY good for us as over the years we hear or read one thing and then that is contradicted and so on. NOW you will KNOW for sure what foods you should be eating.

   Liver Rescue -- This is an incredible book. The information in this book is a Gold Mine - the answers to how psoriasis develops and how to treat it -- exactly what causes acne, gout, bloating, gallstones, adrenal fatigue, fatty liver and how to treat each one. Spirit informs Anthony all the mechanisms and processes the liver does. All illness begins in the liver. If you or a loved one have Diabetes, SIBO or an Autoimmune disorder / disease this is a MUST - it explains how the medical industry is so WRONG about Autoimmune. Just a great book.

   Celery Juice – isn't a vegetable but is the MOST powerful, most medicinal, most healing Herb on Earth. Anthony William started the celery juice fad and it is one that will never go away - because it is works. If you have suffered from ANY intestinal or GI issues this is an absolute must.

   ***NEW***  Anthony's Brand New book Cleanse to Heal is coming out in May 2020 and is going to be power packed with information just about every illness and how to treat. Anthony said he really questioned Spirit of Compassion for this information. Over 600 pages. ONLY $20 - incredible deal and if you have read any of his other books you know what you get!

What are the details covered in Anthony William's new book coming in May, 2020 Cleanse to Heal?

  • ALL the supplements and the DOSES you need for healing and dealing with all kinds of illnesses listed below along with the TRUE causes to ALL of these symptoms and conditions – over 200 of them.

  • ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SIBO, Gastroparesis, Digestive Problems, Nail Fungus, Hot Flashes, Temperature Fluctuations, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Bloating, Depression, Anxiety, Eczema, Psoriasis, PCOS, join pains, Headaches and Migraines, Endometriosis, Neurological symptoms, Hot Flashes, Chills, Body Sweats, High Blood Pressure, Herpes Simplex, Gall Stones, Glaucoma, Fatty Liver, Edema, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Cracked Skin, Dry Eye Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 1.5, Diabetes 2, Corneal Disease, Constant Hunger, Constipation, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye, – just all of the illnesses that medical science cannot help with – which are actually most of them. Anthony will show protocols and the right kind of supplements you need to heal these ailments above (and more), and the doses you need to be taking.

HOME-- *ALL Links to all categories covered by Anthony William.
Supplements- for each illness.


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      This information needs to be KNOWN.


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Disclaimer: The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

*Affiliate Disclosure: Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.


LINKS to All Subjects Covered:

Epstein-Barr Virus Revealedthe cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more.
Supplements section- supplements for every illness covered - from Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Lyme to Crohn's, IBS, Colitis to Autism, Alzheimer's, Brain Fog to Anxiety, Depression, Headaches and much more.



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