Herbs and Spices
---Anthony William - receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday. Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth - this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable and true.
How to Heal Autism / Characteristics of Epstein-Barr Virus / Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed -cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more. / The Shingles Virus Revealed / Shingles Virus FACTS / VIRUS - EBV - Shingles - CMV - HSV-1 - HHV-6 / Crohn's - Colitis and IBS / The Protein Misconception - is Protein that Important to you? / The Keys to Live Longer / Unknown Facts you will NEVER find in ANY health, medical or nutrition book. / Anthony Interviewed by Suzanah Scully - Secrets about Chronic Illness. / Protection from the Corona Virus, Flu Virus and other Viruses /Unknown FACTS you will NOT find in ANY medical, health or nutrition book - Part 1 / Unknown Facts - Part 2 / Supplements – section /Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie /Pathogen fighting Herbs and Supplements / 3 Supplements we ALL are Deficient in / Why am I Hungry ALL of the time / Healing your Neurological System / The Truth about Fruit / Celery Juice / Anthony William – Medical Medium Books / Children’s Health / What NOT to eat – the BAD Foods / Why EGGS are BAD / How to Heal Endometriosis / What the Medical Industry doesn’t know / What causes Psoriasis and Eczema – and how do I heal it? / Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus / What is the Cause of Alzheimer's Disease? / Supplements for Endometriosis / UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 3 / 11 Must Have Antiviral and-or Antibacterial Herbs for your Medicine Cabinet / Why does Benzodiazepine and Opiate Withdrawal cause Blurry Vision? / What EXACTLY is a Herxheimer reaction and who is at risk? / How much bacteria is actually in our Gut? / What causes Inflammation in the Gut? / 4 Things to Heal the Gut / Interesting Facts - Part 1 / Weight Gain and Diabetes / Short Facts - The Holy 4 Food Groups / UNKNOWN FACTS - Part 4 / Short Facts - Part 2 / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - short facts -1 / Interview - Anthony William Interviewed by Lewis Howes on 2-27-2020 / UNKOWN FACTS -Part 5 / Foundational Supplements / Ingredients and Fillers to AVOID in Supplements / Supplements for Hepatitis / Supplements for Diabetes and Blood Sugar Imbalance - Type 1, 1.5 and 2 / Supplements for Brain Fog / Supplements for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and increasing Energy / Supplements for IBS / Supplements for ACNE / Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue / Supplements for Bloating / Supplements for Autoimmune Disease / Supplements for Constipation / Supplements for Dark Circle under the Eyes / Supplements - About Supplements / TOP 50 Supplements / 12 Life Saving Angels / CANCER: What causes cancer and how viruses convert normal cells into cancer cells / ORAL Health Essentials / Herbs - Healing Power of Herbs and Spices / Foods that feed Pathogens such as Viruses and Bacteria / 4 Stages of Epstein-Barr Virus / Rooting Process of a Virus / SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder / Healing Broth Recipe / HEART Health - true cause of high blood pressure, cholesterol, palpitations strokes and more / What is the true cause of High Cholesterol? / Healing Allergies - Food Allergies - Hay Fever and more / Inflammation -- Only two things cause inflammation. / Restless Leg Syndrome / Understanding Gut Health: IBS - Colitis - Candida - SIBO - Constipation - Leaky Gut - Gastritis - / MTHFR GENE - the Truth about MTHFR / Unforgiving Four - 4 Things that cause ALL Illness. / Wild Foods: The BEST foods on the planet. / Herbs and Spices /
"Listen to your body when it whispers – so you won’t have to hear it when it screams."
Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other. When aligned healing becomes easy.
Physical Healing of the Body can ONLY occur when the mental, emotional and spiritual body's are aligned. Healing can not happen independently of each other. When aligned healing becomes easy.
and Spices –
Aromatic Herbs – Oregano,
Rosemary, Sage, Thyme and Parsley – parsley discussed on it’s
own. Earthworms love to live right the roots of aromatic herbs.
Eaten together and often these are a phytochemical powerhouse to
fight almost all pathogens. They have complimentary qualities that
when eaten together provide great benefits. Aromatic Herbs –
release an antifungal compound from their roots that earthworms feed
on. The earthworms in return aerate the soil and provide nutrition by
leaving behind a fertilizer that cannot be matched. This symbiosis
is what gives the healing properties.
Oregano – oregano is great for killing off unproductive bacteria such as H. pylori, Streptococcus and E. coli which can prevent and help with SIBO and infections such as sinusitis and peptic ulcers, strept throat and ear infections. Oregano oil – very powerful antibacterial for killing E. Coli which causes diverticulitis and diverticulosis. It is also very effective against ringworm.
Rosemary – also is antibacterial that fights against the antibiotic resistant bacteria. If dealing with bad bacteria – this is a MUST to bring to the table to fight the bad pathogens. Great for C. difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA.
Sage – sage is a fungus fighter. It can help with Jock Itch or athletes foot. It also can fight intestinal fungus and if you are sick from Toxic Mold – turn to sage. Sage also helps remove heavy metals from the intestinal tract.
Thyme – this is geared as an Antiviral. Its main job is destroy viruses like the flu, enteroviruses, norovirus and the entire gamut of herpetic viruses that are responsible for Lyme Disease. Thyme has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier which makes it great for fighting those hard to fight viruses that have entered the spinal cord or the brain that is causing neurological symptoms. Thyme tincture is an option.
Cat’s Claw – this along
with lemon balm and licorice root so far are my favorites to take for
antivirals. You don’t get the die off symptoms taking this.
Cat’s claw is good just about for every condition. This herb
contains bioactive pharma compounds that supersede synthetic
pharmaceuticals!!! Pathogens cannot become resistant to cat’s
claw. Cat’s Claw is excellent for inflammation.
Antiviral – Antibacterial – Anti-parasitic – and it kills these pathogens without the Herxheimer effect that comes with antibiotics, other herbs and medicines. This herb is very close to the TOP of the list if not at the top. As I said-- Lemon Balm and Cat’s Claw are my personal favorites.
Kills streptococcus – responsible for intestinal problems, kidney infections, urinary tract infections, stomach problems and sinus infections.
If you have a virus or any type of bacterial infection – Cat’s Claw is the go to herb!
Conditions to use Cat’s Claw – all cancers, all viral infections, all bacterial infections and all diseases like Lyme, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
Cat’s Claw is also great for all inflammatory diseases or conditions.
NON-Alcohol – when purchasing this herb – make 100% sure it is not made using alcohol as alcohol will cancer out the benefits. Buy one that is made by Vegetable Glycerin.
Trips – whenever you take a trip or go on vacation – Cat’s Claw is a must to have with you as a preventative to any bugs you may encounter. Take a little bit each day to support your immune system.
Best time to take Cat’s Claw – take it in the evening as it has it’s best healing properties.
Healing Tea – 2 teaspoons of Cat’s Claw with Honey and Lemon.
Cilantro – one of the main
herbs in the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie. It is great at removing
heavy metals from the brain. *See Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie - section.
The power of cilantro lies in the stems and leaves which contains “living water”.
Mineral Salts – cilantro contains mineral salts – within them are the minerals sodium, potassium and chloride and these are bound to powerful phytochemicals. As soon as they enter the body they are guided by the natural highways through the bloodstream, lymphatic system and travel to the spinal fluid.
Binds to Amino Acids – cilantro binds with the amino acids glycine and glutamine forming the ultimate neurotransmitters. The brain is attracted to mineral salts – when the mineral salts from cilantro enter the brain they contain powerful phytochemicals that begin removing toxic heavy metals. This frees up the neurons in the brain so they can function.
Bad Taste – some people believe that cilantro tastes bad. When a person has aversion or bad taste it means they have a higher oxidative rate of heavy metals in their system. It doesn’t mean they have more toxic heavy metals but it means that they are corroding at a rapid level. With corrosion there is some toxic spillage which makes its way to the lymphatic system and saliva. The instant cilantro makes contact with the mouth it has phytochemicals that bind to any oxidative metals – this can result in the bad taste many people experience when eating cilantro. So the more someone has an aversion to it – it is likely the more they actually need it.
Removes Heavy Metals from organs – not only does cilantro remove heavy metals from the brain but also from the organs like the liver.
Ultimate Detoxifier – cilantro detoxifies the liver.
Balances Glucose
Supports Adrenals
Antiviral – helps keep Epstein-Barr, HHV-6, Cytomegalovirus and Shingles virus down.
Antibacterial – fights off virtually every form of bacteria and also flushes it out of body.
Antiparasitic – it also fights off parasites and worms.
Chronic Mystery Illness – if you have a disease or illness that cannot be diagnosed properly – like chronic fatigue syndrome (caused by Epstein-Barr actually) then cilantro is a must have.
Alzheimer’s disease – cilantro is a must have for ALL brain and cognitive disorders.
Make sure Cilantro is FRESH – it works best the fresher it is.
Try Juicing it – just do anything to get it into the body. The more – the better.
Garlic – one of the most
powerful foods on the planet and it has numerous medicinal
qualities. It has been used since ancient times. Choices are Garlic Cloves or Raw fresh freeze dried Garlic capsules.
Antiviral – Antibacterial – Antifungal – Antiparasitic – plus it is rich in phytochemicals and allicin – a sulfur compound that helps to prevent disease.
Garlic Kill Bad Bacteria because it runs on the same Frequency– it only kills the bad bacterial and not the good bacteria. Garlic actually runs on the same frequency as the bad pathogens / bacteria in the body. Bad or Harmful bacteria run on a positive frequency and Beneficial bacteria runs on a negative frequency. This negative charge is a good thing – our source of grounding. When pathogens like bad bacteria, fungus, parasites, worms and viruses proliferate in our body – they drain our batteries and we lose our grounding.
Garlic is positively charged – just like bad bacteria – beneficial bacteria in our guts are negatively charged and grounded – garlic will not kill them.
Garlic is all Good – it doesn’t kill anything that the body needs.
Fights – colds, flu, streptococcal throat, pneumonia and viral cancers.
Removes Toxic Heavy Metals from Colon – garlic also helps to remove heavy metals from the intestinal tract – this in turn helps to strengthen immune system.
Emotional Support – when feeling fragile or vulnerable – turn to garlic.
Garlic has cloves – the cloves make the bulb. Try to think as each clove as a medicine. The smaller cloves actually have more nutrition – so it doesn’t matter if you get the small one as they usually have just as much nutrition as the large ones.
Garlic is MOST Effective when eaten Raw.
Ginger – if you are having
stomach cramps – Ginger is the answer as it is the ultimate
antispasmodic. Just one cup of ginger tea can help relax and upset
stomach for up to 12 hours. A great Ginger supplement is Ginger Supreme from GAIA.
Tonic for the muscles and organs – helps relax muscles and takes stress off the organs.
Helps flush lactic acid from the muscles into bloodstream and then all the way out of body – latic acid is caused from exercise and stress.
Helps relieve tension headaches.
Helps relieve throat muscle tension.
Antispasmodic qualities comes from 60 trace minerals, over 30 amino acids and more than 500 enzymes and co-enzymes.
Ginger is an Antiviral, Antibacterial and Antiparasitic.
Ginger helps with stress.
Ginger helps with DNA reconstruction.
Ginger helps with the body’s production of B-12.
Reuse it many times – Ginger tea can be reused several time
High Stress – when you are going through a very high stressful time in your life – turn to Ginger.
Drinking Ginger Tea During a Full Moon – can increase its medicinal benefits by 50%.
Lemon Balm – known as
Melissa officinalis. It is the herb to go when you want to calm
down the nerves – especially in the digestive system. Really good
for digestive system. It actually is an herb for everything – a
heal all herb. Choices are Lemon Balm Tincture or Lemon Balm Tea.
Soothes insensitivity caused by both vagus and phrenic nerves (which are responsible for unknown/diagnosed intestinal pains).
Lemon Balm is a gift from God to deal with stress – it contains bioactive phytochemicals like undiscovered alkaloids that calm nerve receptors.
High in Trace Minerals – boron, manganese, copper, chromium, molybdenum, selenium and iron and has large amounts of silica.
B-12 conservation herb – monitors how much b-12 we have and makes sure the body has enough.
Antiviral – helps fight the Epstein-Barr virus, shingles virus and others like HHV-6.
Great for Tonsillitis – caused by Streptococcus.
Detoxifies liver, spleen and kidneys.
Reduces bladder inflammation – which is caused by streptococcus.
Helps fight urinary tract infections.
Helps with interstitial cystitis.
Lemon Balm Sun Tea – the sun helps extract the medicinal properties and enhances nutrients to help you heal.
Licorice Root – licorice
root is the MOST important herb of today. It is the ULTIMATE weapon
against viruses like Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus and the shingles
virus which are behind the multiple chronic illnesses of today –
like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, Menier’s
disease, adrenal fatigue, vertigo, dizziness, body aches and pains,
nerve pains in the jaw, neck and shoulder areas. Choices are Licorice Root Tincture or Licorice Root Tea.
Rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – which are actually caused by Viruses and not “auto-immune” problems. The body will NEVER attack itself.
The Ultimate Essential Antiviral – makes your body inhospitable for viruses.
Great for Low Blood Pressure –
Soothes Liver – by lowering liver heat
Great for Adrenal Restoration – licorice root is the MOST important herb to help restore our adrenal glands.
Licorice Root does more than the popular herbs – rhodiola, holy basil, ginseng and ashwagandha – which is one of the herbs of the Internet gossip right now – Licorice root is better.
Licorice Root – acts as a battery charger for the adrenals – bringing them back to life.
Do not listen to the misconceptions of licorice root – it will prevent you from healing.
Great for people who get Butterflies in the stomach – licorice root can help prevent and lesson this.
GREAT for Chronic Illness – for people who have been suffering all their lives going from doctor to doctor – licorice root can help bring you back to where you belong.
Caffeine Addictions – great for when someone is trying to get off of caffeine. Take first thing in the morning.
Licorice Tea – can help digest a meal that you know isn’t the best or not the healthiest – it helps with the digestion process.
Non-Alcohol Tincture – when purchasing make sure to buy the non-alcohol tincture.
Parsley – the ultimate
alkalizing herb. It helps to alkalize ALL of the body systems. It
fights acidosis more than ANYTHING else.
Mineral Salts – the mineral salts in parsley help to alkalize the body.
Prevents and Fights Cancer – due to its alkalizing properties – parsley is helpful for preventing and battling EVERY type of cancer.
All purpose Anti-Pathogen – keeps all pathogens at bay.
Great for the Mouth – great for tooth decay, gum disease and dry mouth as it stops the proliferation of bad microorganisms in the mouth.
Chela,tion of DDT – helps pull out herbicides and pesticides.
Full of Nutrition – B vitamins, folic acid, B-12 coenzymes, and has the vitamins A, C and K.
Remineralizes those low in trace minerals – it has magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, selenium, iodine and calcium.
Great for Adrenals – helps replenish when exhausted.
Juice Parsley with Celery – the mineral salts in both work together.
Infusion of Parsley – you can use fresh or dried (fresh is preferred) and infusion is best to get the max amount of trace minerals and phytochemicals.
Max Benefit – find “Flat Leaf Parsley” – curly leaf is fine but flat-leaf is better.
Make it a Habit – make it a habit to add parsley to everything.
Raspberry Leaf – not the
actual raspberry but the raspberry LEAF. The berries are very
nutritious and delicious but the leaves deserve their own credit.
The raspberry leaf is the ultimate go to for women who have
reproductive organ problems. It is also an overall hormone balancer
– as it supports the adrenal gland production of estrogen,
progesterone and testosterone. Choices are Raspberry Leaf Tincture or Raspberry Leaf Tea.
Feeds the thyroid gland nutrients.
Supports the entire Endocrine System in hormone output.
Raspberry Leaf Tea – one of the most profound tonics to address infertility and prepare a womens body for pregnancy.
Helps to prevent miscarriages.
Secret Weapon to Postpartum Depression and exhaustion after childbirth.
Enhances production of Breast Milk.
Fortifies breast milk with nutrients.
For Men – it cleanses the blood and is an overall detoxifier.
Anti-inflammatory for the Organs and Glands– raspberry leaf has phytochemicals and antioxidants like anthocyanins and polyphenols to help with inflammation of glands and organs.
Iron Deficiencies – helps replenish iron
Helps to Grow Hair – helps to grow hair when needed
Helps with Pancreatitis – strengthens the pancreas and helps with pancreatitis.
Top Adaptogen – raspberry leaf receives little attention for its adaptogenic properties – but it is one of the top adaptogens.
Raspberry plants can take over your garden – to prevent this do some research on how to cut it back as it can easily be controlled.
*Raspberry Leaf Tea and Nettle Tea – for the Ultimate Reproductive Restoration tea – make it with raspberry leaf and nettle leaf tea. The combination will produce profound effects.
Full Moon – drink Raspberry Leaf Tea during a full moon as the plants grow 25% more during full moons and dried leaves are still connected to the rhythms of when it was once connected to the cane. This enhances its potency. *Yes wild stuff.
Tumeric – just a great
overall herb for our well being and health. Contains curcumin – a
phytochemical that has anti-inflammatory qualities. So tumeric is
great for inflammation.
Great for Lupus and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis – both of these are caused by the virus Epstein-Barr – inflammation in these labeled diseases is caused by the body’s immune response to a foreign substance (pathogen) in the body – the body doesn’t just attack itself – medical science has this ALL wrong. Tumeric contains natural steroid compounds from curcumin that can calm inflammation from pathogens.
Inflammation – tumeric is just great for all inflammation. When you hear the word tumeric, curcumin or just cumin – think inflammation.
CFS/ME – as mentioned tumeric is great for low viral encephalitis which is a symptom usually related to chronic fatigue – all is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.
Myalgic Encephalitis – inflammation of the brain caused by Epstein-Barr. Many people have this with CFS and the two terms are often interchanged. This can result in mystery symptoms such as blurry eyes, pressure in the head, dizziness, deep headaches, confusion, panic and severe anxiety. Tumeric and help treat this.
Increase blood supply to places in the body that need it.
Lowers bad cholesterol and Raises good cholesterol.
Prevents almost all types of cancers – especially skin cancers.
Extract Heavy Metals – Tumeric has manganese which activates curcumin’s ability to extract heavy metals.
Cough, Congestion, Cold or Flu – try juicing Tumeric and Ginger together to make a thick concentrated serum and drink or sip throughout the day – this will act as an expectorant and will increase or speed up healing.
Helps muscles, joints and ligaments recover after exercise.
The Ultimate Cold and Flu quick Shot – Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic and Orange (Ginger 1 teaspoon, Tumeric 1 teaspoon, Garlic ¼ teaspoon and ¼ cup of Orange juice. This will fight pathogens in your body when you are sick and prevent new pathogens from entering your body.
END of Herbs and Spices - section.
***This is all such a small portion of what Anthony William covers in his books and just is a brief summary. It may look like quite a bit, but it is nothing to what is covered. For more incredible - truthful information please check out Anthoy's books - they truly are Medical Scripture!
Anthony has written six books now with the newest one coming out in May of 2020:
1. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Secrets behind Chronic and Mysterious Illness and how to finally heal.
2. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Thyroid Healing
3. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Liver Rescue
4. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods
5. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Celery Juice
6. Anthony William - Medical Medium: Cleanse to Heal
Below are the absolute BEST books you will find regarding Health. If you or a loved one has been suffering from a chronic illness and has went from doctor to doctor with no help - these are the answers to your prayers - you are FINALLY in the right place at the right time. Forget about ALL the other books on your shelf - these are the ONLY ones you will ever need. They are medical and health scripture. They will provide YOU with the ability to get your life back! Finally some true answers.

What are the details covered in Anthony William's new book coming in May, 2020 Cleanse to Heal?
- ALL the supplements and the DOSES you need for healing and dealing with all kinds of illnesses listed below along with the TRUE causes to ALL of these symptoms and conditions – over 200 of them.
- ADHD, Autism, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, SIBO, Gastroparesis, Digestive Problems, Nail Fungus, Hot Flashes, Temperature Fluctuations, Heart Palpitations, Brain Fog, Bloating, Depression, Anxiety, Eczema, Psoriasis, PCOS, join pains, Headaches and Migraines, Endometriosis, Neurological symptoms, Hot Flashes, Chills, Body Sweats, High Blood Pressure, Herpes Simplex, Gall Stones, Glaucoma, Fatty Liver, Edema, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Cracked Skin, Dry Eye Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 1.5, Diabetes 2, Corneal Disease, Constant Hunger, Constipation, Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye, – just all of the illnesses that medical science cannot help with – which are actually most of them. Anthony will show protocols and the right kind of supplements you need to heal these ailments above (and more), and the doses you need to be taking.
HOME-- *ALL Links to all categories covered by Anthony William.
Supplements- for each illness.
This information needs to be KNOWN.
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Disclaimer: The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The health information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
*Affiliate Disclosure: Products purchased off of this page may result in a small commission. The individual responsible for constructing / writing / designing this website and all pages within - Jeff Linke is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Any product ordered from Amazon will result in a small commission for this participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program. Thank You for your support.
LINKS to All Subjects Covered:
Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed–the cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more.
Supplements section- supplements for every illness covered - from Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Lyme to Crohn's, IBS, Colitis to Autism, Alzheimer's, Brain Fog to Anxiety, Depression, Headaches and much more.
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