Supplements and Herbs for Chronic and Mysterious Illnesses

Supplements and Herbs for Chronic and Mysterious Illnesses 

---Anthony William -  receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - (the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday.  Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth -  this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable, valid and true.

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How to Heal Autism  Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed - cause of Hashimoto's - Lyme - Lupus - CFS - Fibromyalgia - RA - Multiple Sclerosis and more. / The Protein Misconception - is Protein that Important to you?  The Keys to Live Longer / Unknown Facts you will NEVER find in ANY health, medical or nutrition book. /  Anthony Interviewed by Suzanah Scully - Secrets about Chronic Illness.

Supplements and Herbs for Chronic and Mysterious Illnesses

Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus:

Supplements that help Knock down the Epstein-Barr Viral Load over time:

  • Silver Hydrosol This is great for both treatment of viruses and prevention of viruses. Colloidal silver hydrosol kills viruses on contact. It can prevent viruses with a nasal option and making sure you have some in oral cavity and throat.   Sovereign Silver is a great brand -- take a little every day and it will help. Argentyn 23 is another high quality brand.  Both of these brands have nasal spray options which colloidal silver can prevent airborne viruses from taking hold in the nasal cavity. Important to spray in the nose and also to put some in the mouth and under the tongue and in the throat.  (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Zinc Sulfate – the liquid zinc sulfate - the Vimergy Liquid Zinc Sulfate brand is the absolute best with perfect reviews -- zinc sulfate fortifies the endocrine system, the adrenal glands, thyroid and thalamus – as they strengthen and help support neurotransmitters. Helps to repair and grow neurons also. The reason why so many have Epstein-Barr today is that they have a zinc deficiency. There is no zinc left in the food because there is none left in the soil. We ALL have a Zinc Deficiency - if we didn't - the Epstein-Barr virus wouldn't be capable of harming us.   (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Vitamin B-12 – Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin – helps the brain and nervous system – make sure it is the Adenosylcobalamin and Methylcobalamin blend. Is it critical to take this kind of B-12 and it MUST contain the Adenosylcobalamin.  There are only two brands recommended and the best quality is the Vimergy B-12 and the other brand which is still good quality is from Global Healing Center Vegansafe Liquid B-12.  (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)

  • L-lysine – you have to take HIGH doses – minimum of 2000 mg. If you take enough of this – differences WILL occur. Take 3000 mg of L-lysine with 6,000mg of vitamin c twice a day and see some real results. It kills it and pushes it out of the system. This with vit c and monolaurin will also wipe out cold sores - a potent viral trio. The preferred brand is Vimergy L-lysine.   A good brand is Pure Encapsulations L-lysine.   Another GREAT L-lysine  by Quantum Health called SuperLysine  -- which is just as potent but contains a synergistic blend of Vitamin C, Echinacea, Licorice, Propolis and Oderless Galic.  This super blend is powerful at fighting viruses and is inexpensive.    (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Ester – C   or Liposomal Vitamin C --  These are the two best kinds of vitamin c that is best for the body.  The Vitamin C help repair damaged neurotransmitters and supports the adrenal glands and also aids in flushing out toxins and cleanses the liver. This is great for increasing immune strength to help fight viruses and bacteria.   (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Licorice Root Tea or Licorice Root Tincture– it is incredible for Epstein Barr. Licorice root tincture and tea helps prevent the replication of viruses. So important for controlling pathogens. *Purchase the vegetable glycerin and not the alcohol tinctures.    (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Cat's Claw -- Cat's Claw is the secret weapon that EVERY SINGLE person should have in their medicine cabinet.  The power 3 are Cat's Claw, Lemon Balm and Licorice Root.  Cat's Claw lowers viral load and helps rid of co-factors like Streptococcus, E. coli and H.pylori. Get the Non-Alcohol Cat's Claw -- get the Vegetable Glycerin Tincture.  A good brand is from Hawaii Pharm.   (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Lemon Balm – kills viruses, bacteria and fungus in the intestinal tract and reduces inflammation – thus helps to prevent reactions from eating good foods. Lemon Balm is an incredible Epstein-Barr killer and builds up immune system while   knocking EBV out. The Vimergy Brand Lemon Balm is high quality and priced fair.  *Purchase the vegetable glycerin and not the alcohol tinctures.  Lemon Balm is a must have in all medicinal cabinets along with Cat's Claw, Nettle and Licorice Root.   (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Nettle Leaf  tea or Nettle leaf tincture-- provides nutrients to brain, blood and CNS. Great Adaptogen and great to add to lemon balm. A high quality Nettle Leaf Tincture is by Vimergy.  (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Elderberry -- it is an antiviral and helps to strengthen the immune system - great for all viruses. Another must for the medicine cabinet as it really can help treat all viruses. The top quality brands are Gaia Black Elderberry or Sambucus or Sambucol   (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Spirulina – helps removes toxic heavy metals from brain and also helps with forming neurons and nourishes neurotransmitters.– antiviral and helps pull metals away from Epstein-Barr. The absolute BEST Spirulina available right now is the Vimergy Brand Spirulina.  The second choice for quality would be Hawaiian Spirulina. (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • Red Marine Algae – powerful antiviral that kills of Epstein-Barr.  Pure Planet Red Algae is a good one. (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
  • 5 MTHF – Methylfolate – a great one for Epstein-Barr.  5-MTHF - helps to  strengthen the endocrine system and central nervous system.  Also helps the liver receive B-12.  Thorne is a good brand for 5-MTHF. (Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus)
END of Supplements for Epstein-Barr Virus.

Supplements for Autism and ADHD:
  • Spirulina – helps removes toxic heavy metals from brain and also helps with forming neurons and nourishes neurotransmitters.  The absolute BEST Spirulina available right now is the Vimergy Brand Spirulina.  The second choice for quality would be Hawaiian Spirulina(Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Lemon Balm – kills viruses, bacteria and funguses in the intestinal tract and reduces inflammation – thus helps to prevent reactions from eating good foods.  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Zinc Sulfate – the liquid zinc sulfate - the Vimergy brand is the best -- zinc sulfate fortifies the endocrine system, the adrenal glands, thyroid and thalamus – as they strengthen and help support neurotransmitters. Helps to repair and grow neurons also.  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Melatonin – reduces inflammation in the brain - can take up to 60 mg and this along with lemon balm and vitamin B-12 can help with sleep.  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Vitamin B-12 – Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin – helps the brain and nervous system – make sure it is the Adenosylcobalamin and Methylcobalamin blend. Is it critical to take this kind of B-12 and it MUST contain the Adenosylcobalamin.  There are only two brands recommended and the best quality is the Vimergy B-12 and the other brand which is still good quality - less expensive -  is from Global Healing Center Vegansafe Liquid B-12.  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Ester – C   or Liposomal Vitamin C --  These are the two best kinds of vitamin c that is best for the body.  Vitamin C help repair damaged neurotransmitters and supports the adrenal glands and also aids in flushing out toxins and cleanses the liver. This is great for increasing immune strength to help fight viruses and bacteria.   (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Magnesium Glycinate – the Pure Encapsulations brand --  helps the ability to think, learn, remember, read and speak. Helps to calm the central nervous system.   (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • GABA – (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) – the Pure Encapsulations Brand - strengthens neuropeptides and neurotransmitters and calms nervous system.  Another great GABA is Pharma GABA.   (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Ginkgo Biloba – helps to remove mercury from the brain and reduces inflammation in the brain.  A good brand is from GAIA - you can take capsule or tincture. (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Ginseng – fortifies the adrenal glands. American Ginseng if you can get it... works on the nervous system for neuralgia - reproductive health, poor digestion and gout. Siberian Ginseng for fatigue, exhaustion, depression and insomnia.  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • Vitamin B Complex – nourishes and sustains the brain and supports the brain. Definitely get the Pure Encapsulations brand.  The other brands put fillers and inadequate ingredients and often useless as they cannot be used by the body and are just excreted in urine.  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

  • EPA and DHA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid) – helps to repair and develop new neurons. *Buy the Plant based EPA and DHA – not fish based.  There are two good options that are plant based. The best choice is the EPA and DHA from Vimergy.    Vegan EPA and DHA -Omega-3  (Supplements for Autism and ADHD)

END of Supplements for Autism and ADHD.

Supplements for the Corona Virus and Flu Virus:
  • Thyme Tea – a powerful antiviral – it works even better if you place Raw Honey in the tea as the glucose from the honey helps the thyme enter the cells where the viruses are. It can be much cheaper if you purchase by the pound - one option is Starwest Botanicals.   *Always purchase Organic Thyme when possible.  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).
  • Ginger Teaalso antiviral – the a great brand is Traditional Medicinals – they have a good Ginger Tea and they make some great teas -one of the few trusted companies that has been around for a long time. (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).
  • Raw Garlicput it in your potatoes, in soups in everything you can and if you can just eat garlic do it. Garlic runs on a frequency very similar to all pathogens which allows it to easily get close and then it destroys the pathogens. Very good food to incorporate when coming down with a virus. Put a little bit of it in anything you make – especially in the winter months during heavy virus season. You can also use supplemental garlic to either take in capsule or softgels - Eclectic Garlic is a good brand. (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • L-lysine – l-lysine is great for ALL viruses – it makes viruses docile. It makes them less aggressive. It helps to knock back viruses. You have to take HIGH doses – minimum of 2000 mg. If you take enough of this – differences WILL occur. Take 3000 mg of L-lysine with 6,000mg of vitamin c twice a day and see some real results. It kills it and pushes it out of the system. The BEST brand of L-lysine is from the Vimergy L-lysine.   Another good brand is Pure Encapsulations L-lysine  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Liquid Zinc Sulfate – absolutely CRITICAL for fighting viruses and strengthening the immune system. Just as l-lysine – zinc makes viruses docile and at the same time it feeds the immune system. Take a dropper full every two hours if you have a virus – it will really help. The immune system will become a weapon to viruses when you add zinc. We are all deficient of zinc as it has been depleted from the soils – so supplementing with zinc is very important. Make sure that the zinc you purchase doesn’t have ANY fillers like citric acid or preservatives. The absolute best zinc you can buy right now- that has perfect reviews and is very high quality -  is the Vimergy Brand Zinc Sulfate.   It is super important to take a couple droppers of zinc anytime you believe you are coming down with something.  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Liquid B-12 – the Vimergy Brand – this is by FAR the best brand as it contains both Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin. You need both of these in your B-12.  What most do not know is that B-12 is utilized in the ileum and should always be taken orally - B-12 shots are not as effective nor do they contain Adenosylcobalamin - which you absolutely need.  It is not antiviral but it is critical to recovering from the flu and all other viruses. This is very important to take if you have tremors, aches and pains, tingles and numbness, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), eye floaters, migraines and neurological fatigue – when the legs feel like they are so heavy you are carrying bags of concrete – if you are someone who lives with a chronic illness this is absolutely critical to taking to help repair all nerves in the nervous system. This will help recover much quicker from the flu also. Once again - supplemental brands DO matter and the brand of B-12 to get is definitely the Vimergy Liquid B-12.  The only other brand recommended for Liquid B-12 is the Global Health Liquid B-12  --  which is less expensive.  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Lemon Balm – kills viruses, bacteria and fungus in the intestinal tract and reduces inflammation – thus helps to prevent reactions from eating good foods. Lemon Balm is an incredible Epstein-Barr killer and builds up immune system while   knocking EBV out. The Vimergy Brand Lemon Balm is high quality and priced fair.  *Purchase the vegetable glycerin and not the alcohol tinctures.  Lemon Balm is a must have in all medicinal cabinets along with Cat's Claw and Licorice Root. Lemon balm tincture - best to take this valuable herb tincture every single day. Another antiviral – best to take two full dropper fulls about every 2 to 3 hours when one believes they are coming down with something. For pure preventative care take two dropper fulls twice a day.  Cat's Claw -- Lemon Balm -- Licorice Root - the Power 3 herbal tinctures everyone should have in their medicine cabinet at ALL times and should take a couple droppers full every day to prevent and treat complications.  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Cat’s Claw – another powerful antiviral – this is one along with Lemon Balm and B-12 that everyone should have in their home and take every single day of their life – these are that important. Zinc and Vitamin C are daily ones also. Cat’s Claw has brought back a lot of people from Lyme Disease over the years and this was before we have the high quality Cat’s Claw of today. Lyme Disease is not bacterial it is Viral.  When purchasing tinctures be sure to not purchase the one with any alcohol in them - the alcohol take away their potency and absorption.  Cat's Claw -- Lemon Balm -- Licorice Root -- Nettle Leaf are the Power 4 herbal tinctures everyone should have in their medicine cabinet at ALL times and should take a couple droppers full every day to prevent and treat complications.  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Licorice Root – a great tincture for viruses as it prevents them from dividing and reproducing in the cells. It helps recover from fatigue caused by viruses and also is great for strengthening the adrenal glands.  Cat's Claw -- Lemon Balm -- Licorice Root -- Nettle Leaf - the Power 4 herbal tinctures everyone should have in their medicine cabinet at ALL times and should take a couple droppers full every day to prevent and treat complications.  (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Elderberry -- it is an antiviral and helps to strengthen the immune system - great for all viruses. Another must for the medicine cabinet as it really can help treat all viruses. The top quality brands are Gaia Black Elderberry or Sambucus or Sambucol   (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Lomatium  - antiviral properties that are potent for All viruses - like the flu, shingles, chicken pox, hepatitis, mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr, mumps and even HIV.  Also strong antibacterial properties and reduces inflammation and congestion in the chest that comes with colds and flu's. Great for ANY respiratory problem including COPD.  Hawaii Pharm makes a quality Lomatium Root Tincture.   (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Chaga Mushroom Powder – this is antiviral also – and great for the body. This is just great for the immune system which needs to be strong when you are coming down with any virus. A quality brand of Chaga Mushroom powder is the Vimergy Brand Chaga.   (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Ester – C   or Liposomal Vitamin C --  is an anti-inflammatory that helps repair damaged neurotransmitters and supports the adrenal glands and also aids in flushing out toxins and cleanses the liver. Vitamin C is crucial to the immune system as it helps increase white blood cells by strengthening all of these: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and macrophages which in turn can help fight off viruses.  *Note: There are some quality problems with Liposomal C - if you can make it yourself it may be better than purchasing at this time.  If not Ester-C may be the best option.   (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • Silver Hydrosol – This is great for both treatment of viruses and prevention of viruses. Colloidal silver hydrosol kills viruses on contact. It can prevent viruses with a nasal option and making sure you have some in oral cavity and throat.   Sovereign Silver is a great brand -- take a little every day and it will help. Argentyn 23 is another high quality brand.  Both of these brands have nasal spray options which colloidal silver can prevent airborne viruses from taking hold in the nasal cavity. Important to spray in the nose and also to put some in the mouth and under the tongue and in the throat.  – Sovereign Silver is a great brand -- take a little every day and it will help.   (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

  • SUNSHINE --  last but not least you need sunshine as it amplifies the value of nutrients by helping them absorb much more easily and helps increase the function of all nutrients. All that is needed to enhance these benefits is 5 minutes per day. (Supplements for Corona Virus and Flu Virus).

END of Supplements for the Corona Virus and Flu Virus



  1. I like so many others have given up on going to the doctor and expecting any good to come of it. I have been seeking alternative medicine for answers and will be following through on what I have learned here and will be buying the latest book by Anthony. I thank all in the thread of life that have brought me here. Finding a reason to hope that it is still possible to escape what has been a health care failure for a symptom saturated mind, body and soul. I wish to live long enough to see the education system implement the natural , holistic means of health maintenance and healing. We once passed this knowledge from generation to generation but our greedy scoundrel neighbor has robbed us of that generation after generation but not fully. The sad truth is that so many in the healthcare system as it is today are unaware of the role they play in the chemical assault we all battle in life and resist alternatives to their well guided higher education methods of "practicing medicine".


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