
Showing posts from February, 2020

Characteristics of Epstein-Barr Virus

HOMEPAGE     “ Listen to your Body when it Whispers – so you won’t have to Hear it when it Screams.”         ---Anthony William - receives his information in an Audible voice from the Spirit of Compassion - ( the ONLY other Spirit higher is God) - (Spirit of Compassion is the Fingertips of God - it is God's word). A gift he received at age 4 when Spirit instructed him to place his hand on his Grandmothers chest and say the words "Lung Cancer" - two weeks later she was diagnosed. From that day Spirit has been with Anthony everyday. Anthony William is the ONLY person on planet Earth in which Spirit talks out LOUD in a real voice - hearing the voice with his ears in real time. Spirit provides information with the purpose of true healing by teaching the truth - this information is decades and decades ahead of our current Medical System and Science and Research. Information you won't find in ANY scientific paper but information that is 100% reliable and t